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with ramona, wallace, and scott..

Ramona wakes up to find Scott isn't right next to her, but he is cuddling tight with Wallace.

Wallace's arms are wrapped around Scott's head, and his head is resting on Scott's neck.

Ramona nudges Wallace. "Get off of my boyfriend, Wallace." She tells him.

"yawn What if I don't wanna?" He asks.

"Too bad." She sighs.

Wallace just hugs Scott tighter. There's no chance he's leaving anytime soon.

Ramona rolls her eyes and sits up, checking the time. It's pretty late for her, but she doesn't work at Netflix anymore because of the infection.

She gets out of the bed and sighs at the sight of Wallace and Scott hugging.

"Do you do this every night or what?" She asks.

"Maaaybe." Wallace smiles.

She walks away tired and sees Envy and Todd talking.

"Where do you think she is, baby?" Envy asks Todd.

"Wait, who?" Ramona buds in.

"Lynette! She's just gone." Envy cries.

"Wait, what?!" Ramona asks, shocked.

"Yeah! I slept for one hour after hearing a bang, and when I woke up, she was gone!" Envy tells her.

"Why didn't you do anything when you heard the bang?" Ramona asks.

"Because Todd told me to brush it off." Envy looks at Todd annoyed.

Todd rolls his eyes and looks away.

"I'll get everyone up." Ramona says.

She walks into the bedroom, and sees Scott and Wallace not only cuddling, but Wallace kissing Scott on the forehead.

"Oh my fucking god, Wallace! Stop trying to steal him from me!" Ramona yells.

Wallace slightly jumps from the sudden voice.

"He was mine first. Back off." Wallace says.

"No, he wasn't. Get off of him and leave him alone." She looks annoyed.

"Ugh, fine." Wallace says.

He pats Scott lightly and he wakes up.

"Mmh..5..more.." Scott mutters in a very low tone.

"No, no 5 more minutes. Get up. We think Lynette is missing." Ramona says.

"Then you deal with it. We don't care." Wallace says.

"No—just get off of my boyfriend and get up." She tells him.

"Baby, you have to get up." Wallace sighs.

"Wallace! Did you just call him baby?!" Ramona scoffs.

"I do it all the time." Wallace laughs.

Scott wakes up and decides to lay there.

"I..don't want to..see..Envy.." He groans.

"Scott, you have to deal with it. This bitch is waking us up." Wallace sighs.

"Wow, Wallace. This bitch? Okay, you know what? You're not sleeping with Scott tomorrow." She says.

This had basically been decided. She's noticed Wallace keeps trying to be with Scott.

Wallace kisses Scott on the forehead again, then sits up.

Scott sighs and sits up too. He's too tired to understand anything that just happened.

"Fine." Wallace sighs. "So why did we need to get up again?"

"Lynette is missing." Ramona says.

"Who?" He asks.

"Oh my god. The drummer for The Clash At Demonhead!" She yells.

"Oh. Whatever. I don't care." He shrugs.

"Wallace—I do, and we have to find out where she went, so.. You kind of have to care." Ramona says. "Get the hell up and help us."

Wallace stretches and gets off of the bed.

"Do you have an unused toothbrush so I can brush my teeth?" He asks.

"Uh—no? That doesn't matter. Help us find Lynette." Ramona says. "That means you too, Scott."

"Mmh..five..more.." He manages to mutter out, while leaning on the bed frame.

"No, get up! Oh my god you are so stubborn." Ramona sighs.

Scott actually sits up and stands off of the bed.

"Can I cry in the bathroom instead?" Scott asks, dreading whats outside of their door, Envy.

"No." Ramona says, walking out of the bedroom.

Scott sighs and leaves the room as well, following behind Wallace.

"Any clue where she is?" Ramona asks Envy.

"No." Envy cries.

"Womp womp." Wallace says.

"Excuse me?" Envy looks up.

Ramona sighs. "I'll go wake up Knives and Stephen now."

She wakes them up with ease, and informs them about the situation.

Scott looks at the window.

"Oh my god. Is that.." Scott says.

The window is shattered and the wooden boards are on the ground.

"..where Lynette was taken?"

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now