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It's the same night. Wallace has calmed down, and is now laying next to Scott.

Ramona doesn't give a shit because she's asleep again after trying to forget about..everything.

"..So..Scott?" Wallace asks.

"Uh, yeah?" Scott answers.

"Have you said the l-word yet?"


"I meant the other one. Love."

"Oh. I-Uh..I don't think so."


"Y-Yeah. Why?"

"No reason."

Wallace lies there.

"..Are you going to?" He adds.

"I-I think so."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. I guess. I'm just..scared. That it'll ruin something."

"How would it ruin something?"

"I..don't want to talk about it."

"Oh. Okay."

Wallace sighs.

"I wish..we weren't in this apocalypse anymore. You know, so everything could go back." Wallace says.


"So we can go back to what this was before."

"What..what was before?"


"Well what?" Scott asks.

It feels like theres something in Wallace's throat holding him back. ..Us.He thinks. But he can only think. God knows what Scott will say if he actually tells him.


"Are you sure?"


Scott doesn't push it.


It's the next morning.

Ramona wakes up, and sees Wallace.

She doesn't care anymore. For some reason..he isn't right next to Scott.

Because Scott isn't there.

She moves towards Wallace.

"Wallace!" She yells.

He jolts up and bashes his head into the bed frame.

Wallace cries at the pain and looks over at Ramona holding his head with his hand.

"What the hell do you.." He asks, then looks down. "W-Where's Scott?!"

"That's..That's what I was gonna ask you." Ramona says.

"Wait, you don't fucking know?!" He yells.

The pain in his head is ignored and now there's a pain in his heart.

"No..I thought you..would." Ramona says.

Wallace starts to hyperventilate. He didn't even feel this pain when Mobile was attacking him.

He pulls at his hair with his hands. Tears can't even fall down his face. He breathes fast and hard. His eyes are wide open.

"Wallace?" Ramona asks.



"Wallace please say something!"

Wallace doesn't even turn his head.

Negative thoughts fill his head and he continues to breathe faster.

He can't hear anything around him. The screaming, the biting, the banging..Ramona..

But one sound snaps him back to reality.

"Please help!"

..And that is voiced by Scott.

Scott Pilgrim.

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now