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Wallace gasps at snapping back to reality after hearing the cry for help.

"I—Was that?!" Wallace yells, jumping quick off of the bed and running to the noise.

Ramona follows.

"He's somewhere outside, Wallace. We can't—"

Wallace runs out of the door quickly, no shoes, no protection from what might be there.

Just him.

"Wallace!" Ramona yells. She stays inside.

I should've known this would happen. She thinks.

Scott, Wallace, Envy, Knives, Todd, Stephen, Lynette..

Everyone is gone.

It's just Ramona.

She drops to the ground.

She cries on her knees, praying everyone is okay.

All she knows is Knives is dead. But everyone else just..left.

All she knew was that they might be okay.


But she wasn't very worried about everyone else.

She was worried about Scott.

Very worried about Scott.

She couldn't peek outside.

The boards never fell after that night.

with wallace



"Baby! Please speak to me! I heard you earlier!"

There's random infected people running around.

It's a real apocalypse.

"Baby! Scott!"

Something grabs him by the neck.

"Hkk—W-What.." He chokes.

But it's not a hand.

It's Todd. And his stupid vegan powers.

Envy laughs.

"Letting us in was the wrong choice, dumbass." She says.

"H-How—Hk—Wha..What?" He says, struggling to breathe.

"Why would I, Envy Adams, come to you for help?" She asks.

"I—choke—don—don't know.." Wallace cries, gasping for air.

"Okay, put him down now, bitch!" Envy yells at Todd.

Todd rolls his eyes and lets him down.

He falls to the ground, kneeling to gasp for air, and coughing.

"As I was saying," Envy says, "I'm to cool for you guys, and Scott's a dumbass, so I wanted to get revenge."

"What would that have to—gasp—do with me?" Wallace asks.

"It doesn't! I mean, it kind of does, you're like..his roommate, right?"

"Was, but go on."

"Whatever! I want Scott to die." Envy scoffs.

"..And? Where the hell is he?!" Wallace yells.

"Oh, I won't tell you that," Envy laughs.

"You ass!" Wallace screams. He jumps up and attacks Envy, punching her face hard.

Envy hits him back and they start to fight.

Wallace is grabbed by his neck again.

"Oh come—choke—on!" He cries.

"Anyways," Envy brushes off her sleeve. "You might as well go inside. You're not saving Scott."

"I—Hkk—wi-will, if it's the last—thing I—choke—do!"

Todd drops him again and Wallace gasps for air again.

He looks up and sees it.

"Subspace Highway!" He screams.

He runs as fast as he can to the Subspace Highway door.

He makes it in before anyone can catch him.

He gasps and sighs on the ground, holding his chest.

Then he realizes.

I'm in.. Scott's mind! I can find him here! He thinks.

"Baby!" He yells.

"W-Wallace!?" Scott yells back.

Wallace cries in happy tears and runs towards the voice.

He finds Scott at another enterance panting and gasping too.

Wallace doesn't hesitate to run to him and hug him tight.

He kisses Scott's cheek.

"B-Baby! Where have you been!?" He asks.

"It's a long story," Scott says. "Can I explain it with you and Ramona so I don't have to say it twice?"

"As long as you tell me."

"Can we..go back now?"

"cough—Yes, p-please."

"Wallace? Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah..—cough—I'm fine,"

"Are you sure?"



DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now