idk what to put here (x2)

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"As mentioned, I don't give a flying fuck about Lynette." Wallace crosses his arms.

Ramona sighs. "So, do you guys want to just board it back up and give up or like actually risk our lives to look for her?"

"Look for her duh—" Envy says.

"Board them back up and let me cuddle with Scott again." Wallace says.

"Wait, do what?! I did what with you?!" Scott says, his entire face red.

"Oh you know so well." Wallace smirks.

"I—uh.. W-Whatever!" Scott says, looking at the ground to avoid eye contact.

"Let's just board it back up. Nobody else should die here. Let's just take this as a warning to be more cauti—" Ramona says, interrupted by Envy.

"W-What?! You're going to completely forget about an entire person, and just brush it off like it's nothing!? You know she was our like, best friend! Awkward best friend, but still! You can't just take her as a warning, Ramona!" Envy cries.

"But we can't go outside. We can't just leave and look for her." Ramona says.

"Who ever said 'we'?! You know what, I will. Me and Todd will." Envy says, pulling Todd's arm.

", I kind of don't want t—"

"You're vegan! Just come with me!" Envy cries.

Todd doesn't follow.

"Ugh! Fine!" Envy says. "I'll be back with her!"

"N—No! Envy!" Ramona yells.

Envy storms out of the house in a rush.

Ramona stands in shock. Todd ends up running out as well.

There's 5 of them left now.

"Ha! They didn't even last a day. I'm too cool for them." Wallace says, egotistically.

"This didn't have anything to do with you." Ramona says.

Knives comes out of the bathroom excited to see The Clash At Demonhead.

"Wait, where did they go?!" She cries.

"They all just..left." Ramona says.

"Aw!" Knives sniffles. "I knew it was too good to be true!"

Knives runs to Stephen and rants on about the situation.

timeskip, nothing important happens for a while.

"Uh, guys?" Ramona says. She's looking in the fridge and freezer to see what she can make for dinner.

"What?" Knives asks.

"We don't have much food. I think we might have a frozen meal." Ramona sighs.

Wallace sighs. "Let's just order something then, of course!"

"Are you stupid? This is an apocalypse—" Ramona says.

"It's sarcasm." Wallace crosses his arms.


Everyone looks over. There's no sight of anyone in the windows.

"Probably a rock." Wallace says.

"A rock? Seriou—" Ramona says.

loud bang

They see through the window.


"Dad?!" Knives yells.

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now