
17 1 4

"Okay guys, we can sleep now. I think." Ramona says.

"Wait, where? There's like..7 of us." Stephen asks.

"Different spots around the house." She tells him.

"Sure! I'll sleep in the bathroom with Scott, Ramona wil—" Wallace says, confidently, before being interrupted by Ramona.

"Uh, no. He's my boyfriend. We'll sleep in my room, Wallace sleeps alone, Lynette and Todd and Envy sleep wherever, and Knives and Stephen sleep in like..the bathroom." Ramona says.

"Alone?! I sleep alone!? Can I at least still sleep next to Scott? Pleaseee?" Wallace begs.

"No." Ramona says, strictly.

"Please?" Wallace cries.

Scott stands there, looking at Wallace as if he's stupid.

"Why do you want to sleep with me so bad?" Scott asks.

"I'm used to it, and you'r— Never mind." Wallace says.

"I'm what?" Scott asks.

"Nothing. Ramona, please?" He continues to beg.

"You know what, f—" Ramona says, interrupted by a..


"Um, what the hell?" Envy asks.

A wooden board falls, revealing..

Lucas Lee

Infected: He definitely looks like it..
Sanity: ???
Notes: No, he's not inside. He's in the window.
Inventory: ???
"Wanna be starred as the dead person in my movie?"

Wallace looks over, along with everyone else, but responds. "Oh, sure! Do I actually die or get paid?" He asks.

Scott covers Wallace's mouth. "Wallace!" He screams.

"What? I want to be rich!" Wallace pouts.

Lucas tries to break in and Ramona rushes to board up the window again. 

They succeed and Ramona walks up to Wallace.

"As I was saying, I guess you can. Just stay away from me and don't kick me." She sighs.

Wallace jumps up and down in happiness. "Yay!" He yells.

"What a baby." Envy whispers into Todd's ear, then Lynette.

Envy rolls her eyes and walks towards Ramona's kitchen to set up somewhere comfortable to sleep.

Wallace is still really happy and runs to Ramona's bed. He randomly faceplants into the blanket after jumping onto it. 

"What are you, 5? Why are you jumping onto my bed like that?" Ramona asks.

"I think he's still drunk. Somehow." Scott tells her.

during the night..

Wallace has attempted to hug Scott what seems like 1,000 times, but he kept failing. 

Knives and Stephen are both asleep on the bathroom floor, and Envy, Todd, and Lynette are all awake. Knives and Stephen basically look dead, until suddenly,


Envy gasps and turns her head to find the window in which made the banging sound.

Todd is slightly dozing off, and she bumps him.

"Todd! Baby! Tell me you heard that!" She says, scared. 

"Heard what?" He asks. 

Envy sighs in a pouty tone. "There was a bang! On the window! I don't know where it came from!" She cries.

"It was probably you being paranoid." Todd brushes it off and tries to fall asleep.

in the morning..

Todd yawns and looks over. Envy is awake. 

(She did end up sleeping for about an hour.)

"Lynette, will you get me a drink of water?" Envy asks.

Usually by now, Lynette would sigh and get up, getting the cup of water.

But there's no response.

Envy scoffs. "Uh, Lynette? Get my water!" She demands.

Envy is filing her nails and decides to look up for Lynette.

She's..not there.

"Is she showering or something?" Envy asks Todd.

"I dunno." He shrugs.

"What do you mean you don't know!?" She asks, in a loud tone.

"I was asleep, Envy! Go look for her!" He tells her.

Envy scoffs and stands up. She looks around, but it's around 6AM and everyone is still asleep. 

She walks into the bedroom and sees nothing but Ramona lying alone and Wallace and Scott cuddling.

"Ew." She says, under her breath, walking out.

Envy sighs. "Todd, she isn't here!" She cries.

"Uh, I dunno what to do then." He says.


ok this is kind of long so enjoy ill def be writing another chapter td again im gonna pull another allnighter soo!!

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now