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Stacey gasps. It's the next day.

"Ju-Jules? Um..you don't look so good."

"Fuck. Stacey.. my arm..and leg..and face..I-It's..it fucking hurts..please.."

"Jules! Please go somewhere for help! You are definitely infected!.."

"No..I'm..I'll be okay..Ju-Just.."

Julie limps to the counter. Her eyes are bloodshot red and her face and bite is rotting.


Stacey is still on the phone while shes talking to Julie, with Wallace.

"W-What? U-uh..have a drink..?"

"I want to eat..something..p-please.."


"Stace? Stacey! Don't let he-"

"She has to fucking go, Wallace.." Julie tells him.

"Wait, what?" Wallace sits up quick. "Stacey?! Stacey please!"

"W-WALLACE!" Stacey screams before Julie hangs up. The customers run away.

Stacey Pilgrim

Infected: ???
Sanity: 70%
Notes: ..!
Inventory: Blood
Quote: "Wallace! Fucking help me!"

Julie Powers

Infected: Stage 3
Sanity: 7%
Notes: . . .
Inventory: Julie and Stacey's blood
Quote: "I'm hungry.."

Wallace runs to the coffee shop.

"Hey Wallace!" Scott says, while Wallace runs by. "..Where are you going?"

"S-Stacey!" A tear is on his cheek. "She's fucking dying, Scott!"

Scott pauses. "She's what?!" He disbands from Ramona and rushes with him, and Ramona follows along.

Wallace, Scott, and Ramona get to the coffee shop, and Julie is gone. Stacey is on the floor.

"S-Stacey! Please tell me you're okay." Wallace shakes her.

"W-What?" Stacey says opening her red eyes.

"Oh, fuck. Stacey, not you too!" Wallace cries.

"What do you mean?.. I'm fine!" Stacey says.

"You need to go to the hospital!" Ramona says.

"I'm fine!" Stacey glares. "Let me go."

"What?" Wallace asks.

"Let me fucking go." Stacey gets up.

"I- Y- You need to go to the hospital."

"No I don't. I'm fine."

"Do you not remember what happened with Jul-"

"I-I do! She didn't bite me."

"Stacey..look at your cheek. She did bite you."

"W-WHAT?? She must've bit me when I was unconscious.."

"Stace. Just go to the hospital." Scott says.

☆ Stace is a nickname Wallace and Scott share with Stacey. It's not a typo.


Stacey Pilgrim

Infected: Stage 1
Sanity: 89%
Notes: Confused
Quote: "My face hurts, Wallace."

Stacey gets help at the hospital. Wallace is happy she's okay. Or that she seems to be. And so is everyone else.

Julie doesn't show up to work.

Julie Powers

Infected: Stage 3
Sanity: 0%
Notes: ...
Inventory: Blood..a lot of it
Quote: "I'm hungry.. for more.."

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now