idk what to put here (x3)

18 0 1

"Dad?!" Knives yells.

Knives' Dad

Infected: Very much looks like it
Sanity: ???
Notes: ???
Inventory: ???

He attempts to break in. Scott could definitely try to fight him,,but the chances of getting infected are high..and it would totally break Knives.

Stephen puts his hand on Knives' shoulder.

"You understand what we have to do to him, right?" Stephen says, in a sad tone.

"Y-Yeah..I guess so.." She says, tearing up.

"Just don't look, okay?" He tells her.

"Oh..okay." She says, covering her eyes.

Scott knows this is his cue to fight him. So he does.

Knives cries at the sound of her dad being killed by Scott Pilgrim. Her ex.


Knives continues to cry about her dad.

Stephen continues to comfort her.

It's around 11PM now.

"Do you guys want to risk going to sleep or just stay up?" Ramona asks.

"Let's stay awake, put more boards up for sure, and then we can probably sleep." Stephen says, while his arm rests around Knives' shoulder, comforting her because of the incident earlier.

"Okay." Ramona says, standing to get more stuff to protect the house.

They're all very hungry.

another timeskip, now the house is more protected. it's 1AM.

"Okay. We can sleep now." Ramona sighs.

"Can I sleep with Scott again?" Wallace asks.

"No." Ramona says.

"Pleaseee?" He begs.

Knives and Stephen go to the bathroom to sleep.

"No. I'm not letting you kiss my boyfriend again." Ramona says.

Scott's entire face turns bright red.

"Oh, really?" Wallace says.

He walks over to Scott, wraps his arms around his neck, and kisses him on the lips.

Ramona stares in shock.

He pulls away and looks at Ramona with a grin. "Oops! Must've slipped my hands."

Ramona continues to stare.

"You know what—This is an apocalypse, Wallace!" She says.

"And I can still steal your man." He says, smiling.

Ramona sighs loudly.

"This isn't over. And you're not sleeping with him!" She yells.

"Wait, no! Please? Pretty please?" He begs.

"No." She tells him, grabbing Scott's hand and walking away.

Scott continues to just look shocked. The sparks still surround him.


It's the middle of the night and Wallace is laying in the kitchen where Lynette was 24 hours ago. He then realizes that's probably not safe.

He moves where Envy was, then planning how he was going to sneak into Ramona's room and still sleep with Scott.

As he is thinking—


"Oh shit." He mumbles. He has to think fast now. This is exactly what happened to Lynette.

He decides to sneak into the bedroom fast.

As he walks in, he sees Ramona asleep, and Scott still awake, playing Sonic on his Nintendo.

Scott looks up and slightly jumps. "Wallace? Is that you?" He asks.

"Yes, baby." He whispers.

Scott doesn't notice the nickname and shakes his head, continuing his game.

Wallace signs Scott to move over a little and he does.

Wallace sits and kisses Scott on the cheek again. Scott pretends to not notice, but his entire face is red.

"U-Uh.. So—aren't you n-not allowed in here?" Scott asks.

"Shh! Yes, my answer is yes, but don't wake up Ramona." Wallace whispers.

Scott keeps playing nintendo, but sees something in the doorway.

Wallace didn't leave the bedroom door open, but suddenly, it is open, showing a shadow.

"Oh, hey, Stephen!" Scott says.

No response.

"..Knives?" He whispers.

No response.

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now