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A text appears on Ramona's phone.

We're on our way.

"Oh no. Stephen is on the way." Ramona says.

"Wait, what? What about Knives?" Scott asks.

"I mean—he said 'we're' so I assume she's coming too..but we have to be prepared to let hi—them in."

"Uh, what if we let in an infected person?" Wallace asks.

"We won't." Ramona convinces him.

"Sure, guy."

"I'm a girl."

"Whatever, guy."

Ramona sighs and sits down at her table. She stares out the window—and even though it's very late..she sees the orange still appears in the sky.

"Want some tea, Scott?" Ramona asks.

"Hey, what about me?" Wallace chuckles. "Just kidding. I'll be fine."

Wallace softly pats Scott's shoulder and says walks forward to the kitchen to also sit.

"Uh— sure." Scott says, still standing at the door.

Ramona makes the tea.

"What are you waiting for, dude? Sit down!" She tells him, as there is one seat next to Wallace.

"Ugh, fine." He says, slumping over to the seat.

"Excuse me?" Wallace asks, looking at Scott in disgust.

Scott rolls his eyes and looks out the window.

"When is Knives and Stephen coming?" He asks.

"I don't know." Ramona says.

"Probably soon—I don't think they live that far away." Wallace says, shrugging.

They hear a loud scream. It sounds like a girl. A familiar girl.

"Knives!!" Ramona yells, running towards the door. She breaks the glass after accidentally dropping it in such a rush.

Scott runs over to the door as well, stepping on a shard of glass, however he never took his nerdy ass shoes off, so it fortunately doesn't affect him.

"I'll just..leave you to it." Wallace says, holding his head with his arm on the table.

Knives running past infected people..alone. She almost gets bitten, but quickly takes Ramona's hand and is taken to her house with skates.

"Wait—where's Stephen?!" Ramona asks, after disbanding with Knives safely inside.

"Uh—I-I don't know! He just..disappeared!"

"Subspace Highway!" Wallace says in a loud tone.

"W- Stephen doesn't have access to th—"

A door in Ramona's house..never seen before opens, and Stephen, very tired, walks in.

Stephen Stills

Infected: No
Health: 54%
Sanity: 87%
Notes: Does actually have access to the Subspace Highway
Inventory: ???

"Stephen!" Knives screams, running towards him in excitement. "You're okay!"

"Y-Yeah. I fell while running—and got tackled..but not bit."

"Oh no. Do you need like—a band-aid or something? Wait here—I'll get my bag." Ramona says, walking to the bedroom.

"Hey, Stephen!" Scott says, waving.

(no this was not meant to be a taylor swift reference LEAVE ME ALONE)

Wallace lies dead asleep on the table.

"Oh fuck, did you die again?" Scott says to Wallace, shaking him.

"Let me sleep, guy. It's 2AM." Wallace says, sleepy.

Stephen gasps. So does Knives.

"Fuck! Wallace is a zombi—" Stephen says, cut off by Scott.

"I don't know, he showed up and seems as gay as usual, so.. I think he didn't really die. He just passed out."

"Oh, uh..okay. A little weird to mention the gay part, but I'll take your word for it."

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now