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"How am I gonna get my stuff?"

"Uh.. I didn't really think about that. I guess you can.. get new stuff?"


"Let's go to a store and buy you a new wardrobe and stuff."


They walk outside..and see..a lot.

"The sky is orange! And there's trash and rot..everywhere!.."

"Oh fuck."

"Where's all the snow?.."

"I don't know..quick! Get back inside."

They run back inside.

"Oh no..I hope the others are okay. I don't think we can go anywhere. This apocalypse is huger than I thought." Stephen sweats hard thinking about the others.

Stephen Stills

Sanity: 86% (still stressed as fuck)
Infected: No
Notes: Scared and confused what to do
Inventory: Pennies
"I hope everyone else is safe."

Knives Chau

Sanity: 90%
Infected: No
Notes: Also scared
Inventory: Doesn't have pockets
"Oh no."

"The news is on! We need to check whats going on."

They run to the couch and watch the news.

"Extreme unnamed apocalypse is happening. We don't know when or if this will end, however we advise anyone in this area to wear a mask to prevent—"

The news broadcast person is strangled and eaten live on television by none other than..

Lisa Miller

Sanity: ???
Infected: Stage 4
Notes: ???
Inventory: ??? but probably rot and blood

"..To prevent what?" Stephen asks, sweating.

"Uh..I don't know.." Knives says.

"We need to call Scott, Ramona, and Wallace. I think they may be the last ones but us."

"What? They are?"

"Yeah. All of our friends died, Knives."

ring ring

They're calling Scott.

"Y- cough Yes?.."


"That's me.."

" are you doing?"

"O- cough Okay. As okay as it— gets.. cough"

"You're coughing a lot.."

"Yeah..I gu— ess so.."

cough.. choke

"Are you okay??"


There's only choking noises on the other side.

"H-He—l— choke"



The choking stops.

The talking stops.

The phone drops down.


Wallace Wells

Sanity: 96%—now 0%
Infected: No
Notes: Died of choking on his own blood..still on the call
Status: Deceased
Inventory: His own blood and an old picture of Mobile

They hang up.

"Wallace is..dead."

"What?! You just called him!"

"He died on the phone."

Stephen feels guilt. Now there's only 4 of them left.

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now