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"Wanna close the door?" Wallace asks.

"No, you idiot! You're gonna get snatched!" Scott tells him.

"Oh. But we can't make out if the doors open!" Wallace says.

Scotts face turns even more red than it was.

"We—We weren't g-gonna do that any—anyway!" Scott says. "A-And we're r-right next to my girlfriend!"

"We could have," Wallace smiles. "We still can."

louder crash

"Shit. Nevermind." Wallace says, sitting up again.

"Wh—What is that?" Scott asks.

"What is what?" Wallace asks him.

"What is that noise?!"

"What noise?!"


dragging noise

"It sounds like..someone's..trying to say something..but doesnt have their voice." Scott questions.

"Like Casey at the start of that Scream movie?" Wallace asks.

"E—..Exactly like that." Scott says.

"Sidney Prescott also made out with her boyfriend at the start of that—" Wallace says.

"N-No! We need to focus on the bad part of this—maybe I'll let you make out with me later." Scott says.

"Wa—Wait! Really?!" Wallace asks, surprised.

"If we find out what that noise is, sure." Scott says, hesitantly.

Wallace stands quickly and peeks out the door.

All he can see is a bionic arm and a lot of blood.

"There's an arm..and..blood." Wallace whispers. "A bionic arm."

"..Like..Lynette's bionic arm?!" Scott whispers.

"Maybe.." Wallace shrugs.

"But the blood..and the sounds.." Scott says.

"What does it sound like? No, who does it sound like?!" Wallace asks.

"..A girl. A young girl."

"..What young girl?.."



Suddenly, a piece of glass from the window breaks.

They hear someone leave.

But the sound of choking doesn't stop.

Wallace peeks out more.

"K-Knives!" He yells.

Knives is on the floor in a puddle of her own blood. The choking sounds come from her. Her throat is covered in blood as well.

Stephen is gone.

Wallace rushes to Knives, but isn't able to help her in time.

Out of nowhere, she isn't able to breathe anymore:

Wallace cries a lot. She was only 18.

Scott lets a few tears out, but doesn't care as much because he's a dick.

Ramona hears the crying and comes out of her room. She sees what is happening and cries along.


Wallace is still wet-faced from tears.

"W-Where's Stephen?" Wallace asks, shaking.

"I don't know." Scott says.

Wallace's body is shaking really hard. He's hungry and now sad and scared.

"Wallace, are you okay?" Scott asks.

"N-No..I don't k-know." He cries.

Ramona left back to her room to think of something to do.

Wallace cries and cries.

"Hey. Look at me, okay?" Scott says.

"W-What?" He turns a little.

Scott moves closer and kisses Wallace on the cheek.

Wallace is very surprised. He's really happy, but this doesn't stop the crying.

"We have to do something about this. We can't just forget. Someone goes missing every night." Ramona says, in the doorway.

"What can we do, though?" Scott asks. "Not sleep?"

"If it helps us, yes." Ramona sighs.

"What do we d-do with Knives?" Wallace asks.

"I'm not sure yet." Ramona says.

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now