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"Yeah, guy?"

Scott cries.

"What? I'm fine."

"It-it's not you."


"Stacey is dead. And she wanted me to tell you that you were her favorite person."

Wallace sits in shock. He pauses. Tears fall down his face.

"She's..not okay? I thought they fixed her!"

"No..she's not. I don't know how."

Wallace isn't embarrassed to cry. He sits and weeps.

"Oh my fucking god. Gideon is going to get his puny ass beat the fuck up when I'm out of this hospital."

"He's already dead."

"I don't care. I'll kill myself and walk into the gates of fucking hell if it means i can torture his ass and fucking teach him a lesson."

"Please don't."

"I won't. But I hope the devil beats his ass."

Wallace cries harder.

He prays for Stacey, hoping she knows he also loves her back. He really hates Gideon now.

Scott leaves after talking to him for a bit.

"We had to cancel our Sex Bob-Omb performance..Scott." Stephen says, while he meets with Scott.

Stephen Stills

Infected: No
Sanity: 95%
Notes: Scared and mentally unwell
Inventory: Piece of broken microphone
Quote: "What is going on?"

"What? Why?"

Scott Pilgrim

Infected: No
Sanity: 98%
Notes: Understands the virus now..
Inventory: Piece of glass and pocket lint
Quote: "I miss you, Stacey."

Stephen clears his throat.

"Kim is dead."

Scott pauses and gasps.


"Yeah. Apparently Julie attacked her."

"Wait, what? When?"


"But she's dead!"

"Probably inside. She's still moving."

Julie Powers

Sanity: 0%
Infected: Stage 4
Notes: Julie is dead. Something is possessing her. What it is is not determined yet.
Inventory: ???
Quotes: "Where am I? And who is in my fucking body?"


It's Knives.

Knives Chau

Sanity: ???
Infected: No
Notes: She is 18 years old now.
Inventory: ???
Quotes: "Stephen! Please help!"

Stephen runs to her voice. He sees Julie. Or Julie's body. It's not Julie inside. He can tell.

He grabs Knives, and carries her while running away. Scott doesn't follow. He instead attempts to fight Julie.


Scott throws a piece of glass from an old poster frame at her face.

Julie tries to bite him.

Scott kicks her rotting body parts and hits her across the room.


Julie bleeds out on the floor.

Now Scott has killed his own sister and her friend.

He continues on with Stephen, just more..sad.

Julie couldn't even give her last words. She wasn't even there to get killed.

Wallace is released from the hospital, occasionally coughing blood. It wasn't normal, but he had to deal with it. His body was fucked up from Mobile's attack.

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now