oops, wrong number

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Knives calls Stephen.

"Hey, Stephen? Are you doing well?"


Knives doesn't get a response. He..or something did answer the phone though..

"..Okay, uh.. How are you?"


The other line hangs up.


"What happened, Knives?"

"He..or something answered.. But nobody is talking. And they hung up!"

"I don't think Stephen is okay."

"Oh no..me neither.." Knives starts to cry. "Should we check on him?"

"Sorry..but no. Something answered that wasn't him. Something is with him, or he is infected. Which we don't want to see. Neither one. We have to find out later. Call him back in a few hours."

"B-But he's my best friend!"

"But he's not safe. Go home and hope your parents are okay."


"Mom? Dad?" Knives asks for her parents. There is no response. It'd be Chinese anyway— which she couldn't understand.. but she just wanted a response. Even if it was a sound. Just to know they're still alive.

She cries to herself knowing they're gone. She calls Stephen again.



Just as she expected. No response.


She's hesitant to ask.

"Where are..you?"

She manages to say the 3 words she didn't want to say before.


"Please tell me something."


"Why would you answer if you weren't gonna tell me something?"


"Just tell me you're fucking okay!"

"..He's not."

Knives gasps.

"What?! Who are you?!"


"I-I'm gonna find you! Just wait!"

*hangs up*

Knives runs out of her house crying. She lets tears fly into the air while running to Stephen's house.

She arrives.


She rings the doorbell, looking up at the sky, scared. It's almost dark out..and it was time for her to go home..but it's not like her parents were alive to scold her anyway.

Knives gasps as he sees Stephen open the door.

"Oh my god! You're okay!"

Knives hugs him tight.

"But..I thought the phone said that you..weren't okay?"

"What phone?" Stephen asks, totally confused.

"Um..I called you? Someone said..'He's not okay..' scarily to me after like..ghosting me.."

"Knives..I think you called the wrong number. Which means you're in danger."


Knives hates that word for some reason. She's too happy and bright for this. She sweats hearing the word.

"Yes. They can track your information now..are your parents okay?"

"..N-No.." Knives sniffles.

"Oh no."

"What?! What do I do?!"

"You should stay with me. Don't go back to your house."

"Okay..but what about..Young Neil?"

"He's dead. Which means he left."

"Oh..okay. I guess I'll pack my stuff."

"No, don't go back there. To be honest, they're probably already there."

"Who's they?"

"Bad people. Infected people. People that will try to eat you alive."

"Oh no.."


DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now