power outage

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Scott goes to put his shirt in the wash while he showers.

He hums and then throws his clothes in, but the machine says "Error" when he tries to start it.

"Uh, Ramona?" He calls out.

Ramona comes.

"Yeah?" She asks.

"Your washing machine is stupid. Can you help?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah. What do you mean? Will it not work?" She asks.

"Yeah..it keeps saying 'error'." He states.

She tries to turn it on, but it won't work.

"Uh, be right back." She says, walking to the sink.

She turns on the faucet.

It doesn't let any water out.

She tries the shower.

It also doesn't work.

"Shit." Ramona says.

"What?" Wallace asks, reading a stupid magazine from God knows how long ago.

"Our water. It's gone. There's no more water in this apartment." She tells him.

He sits up quickly. "You're joking."

"No, I'm not. We're totally out." Ramona says. "Scott, come here. Now."

"Yeah?" He asks.

"We're out of water." Ramona sighs.

"What?! So..like..completely out?!" He asks.

"Yes. I think the infected people have taken out the water sources. We need to find out how to stop them before they can take out the electricity entirely." She says.

"But..But how?" Scott asks.

"I don't know." She says. "I live in an apartment, as you can tell. We can't try to solve the outage ourselves. Our landlord is probably dead."

Suddenly, Scott opens his mouth to speak and flinches at all of the lights turning off.

"W-What?!" He jumps.

"The..The power is out." Ramona says.

Wallace looks up annoyed because he can't read his magazine anymore.

"I..I have to fix this. We're gonna die." Ramona says.

"What do you mean?.." Scott asks.

"I'm risking my life. I have to go and fix this problem. We won't have anything to eat or drink." Ramona says.

"But what are you gonna do?" Scott asks.

"I'll be back, don't worry." She says, putting on her shoes and a mask.

"Wait, what?!" Scott asks.

Ramona runs out the door.

"Where did she go?" Wallace asks.

"I..I don't know." He responds.

hours later

Scott kicks dust on the floor and hums.

"Stop singing that," Wallace sighs.

"Only if you can guess the song." Scott says proudly.

"Garbage Truck, now be quiet." He says.

"Aw, how'd you know?" Scott asks.

"You've said it atleast 30 times." Wallace says.

"Oh. When's Ramona gonna be back?" Scott cries.

"I.. don't know." Wallace says.



ALSO new cover art (by @Pluummy) COMING UP??!!?!?!?!?!?? ALL CREDIT GOES TO HER ILYSM THANK YOU YAY

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now