..the clash at demonhead??

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"..We?! Who's we?" Ramona gasps.

"Oh my god. Fucking let us in. I'll tell you if you let us live!" Envy taps her feet on the ground.

"Who is we?! Are you infected?!"

"No!! Fuck no!! Seriously? Do you think I would get infected? I mean..yes, if you don't fucking let me and them in now!"

"Who is them."

Envy Adams

Infected: No
Sanity: 98% (she's envy adams.)
Notes: Refuses to tell Ramona who "we" is
Inventory: ???
"Let us in."

"Okay guys, I'll open the door—but go to another room incase 'they're' infected." Ramona says.

"Wait—what?! No! Don't get infected!" Scott cries.

"I won't. I'm Ramona Flowers. Go get Stephen, Knives, and Wallace out of here. now."

"F-Fine. Be safe." Scott walks away and tells Stephen and Knives to go quick.

He remembers Wallace is asleep, and decides to pick him up and bring him into the bathroom, planning on leaving him there, and going to the bedroom, but Ramona opens the door to quick, and now, barely awake Wallace and Scott are stuck in a half-bath together.

"Seriously, guy. How bad do you want to make out with me?" Wallace laughs.

"0/10. I-I don't want to be in a bathroom with you. It was an accident!"

"You want to make out with me so bad you look stupid." Wallace looks up at Scott. (He's sitting down right now)

"I have a girlfriend, drunk ass."

meanwhile with ramona..

"Oh. Hi, I guess." Ramona says, sighing.

Turns out "they" were Lynette and Todd.

None of them are infected, thankfully.

"Now, why would you come here?" Ramona asks.

"Uh..I guess you were the only ones alive. I hate to be here. Consider yourself lucky." Envy crosses her arms.

"If you're gonna stay here along with 4 other people and me, at my house, atleast help us with boarding the windows and doors so we don't let anyone else in." Ramona sighs.

"Wait—4 other people?! Who?" Envy scoffs.


"Oh, so you're the girl I should be jealous of. You're dating him, aren't you? What's your name?.." Envy asks, annoyed.

"Well..yeah. I'm Ramona. Ramona Flowers." Ramona says.

"..Flowers. Okay. And you are dating Scott? You seem a bit..out of his league." Envy laughs.

"Uh—well..he's hard to not love..I guess you'd know that.." Ramona says.

"Yeah, I do. Now, where do we sleep?" Envy asks.

"Nowhere. You kind of showed up..and now there's 7 of you all together..so.."

"Excuse me?" Envy scoffs. "I'm Envy Adams! I need my beauty sleep."

"Then go somewhere else. You probably won't be sleeping tonight if you're here." Ramona sighs.

"..Fine. But only if I can sleep tomorrow." Envy rolls her eyes.

"If you help us, you can." Ramona says.

"..Okay." Envy says, clearly annoyed.

"Thank you. Try to forget Scott's here I guess."

"..Fine. I'll try."

Todd rolls his eyes and walks forward with Lynette and Envy.

"Oh my god Ramona, how long does it take to say hi to someone?" Wallace groans at the bathroom door.

"You can come out now." Ramona sighs.

"Finally—" Wallace opens the door, then sees The Clash At Demonhead, and sighs. He's never been a fan, and knows that Knives is gonna burst.

Knives and Stephen walk out and Knives screams loudly.


Envy rolls her eyes.

Knives looks kind of sad, but brushes it off. It's Envy.

Stephen also gasps but doesn't scream like Knives did. He lets Envy be in peace. Or at-least a little bit.

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now