oh no

38 0 0

They run away quickly. They feel horrible for Roxie, but they had to go.

"Scott!!" Stephen runs to him.


"Kim is infecting everyone!!"

"Did she infect you?"


"G- Wait! Oh, shit. Shit! Wallace!"

"Oh no.. I hope he's okay!"

Scott scaredly runs for Wallace.

He sighs loudly in relief seeing Wallace safe at home. I mean..obviously..not safe..but okay. For now.

cough.. cough

"Seriously. Are you o-"

"I'm fine."

Wallace Wells

Sanity: 92%
Infected: No
Notes: Tissues covered in blood fill the room. It's from his coughing.
Inventory: Blood
"Stop asking me that!"

Scott realizes the floor.

"Dude. You-"

He notices he shouldn't say anything else. He feels bad for Wallace. He stops asking.

"Bye. Stay safe. I'm going with Ramona."


Scott innocently walks on the sidewalk. It's 5pm.


It's Matthew Patel.

Matthew Patel

Sanity: ???
Infected: ???
Notes: ???
Inventory: ???
Quote: ???

Scott pauses and looks scared, eyes wide and mouth open. He gasps.

"Fuck! You're infected!"

He fights him and his 4 demon hipster chicks off, leaving them all dead. Matthew was weak anyway. Turns out he was in Stage 4..and very early Stage 5.

Scott is okay. He runs quickly to Ramona. "Matthew is dead."

"Oh. I don't really care about him to be honest. Is Wallace okay? And Knives?"

"Yeah.. Wallace seems to be..stable. I don't know about Knives though."

"Well..forget our date..we need to find out."

"Will we date after this is over?"

"This won't end, Scott. I can't really be your girlfriend..nobody can have relationships. We just need to trust each-other and stick together. This is survival, not a sappy love story."

Scott realizes her words are real. She's right. This won't really end..and everyone he knows is slowly dying..and he probably will too.

"I guess we should enjoy our life while it lasts."

"But there's nothing to enjoy, Scott. We are just backing away from a painful death we're too scared to feel. But we have to realize lots of people are experiencing it. We have to think about them..Julie..Stacey.. all had to feel what we don't want to. We're just trying to hold the infection away. But we probably will fall later. And our death is going to hurt."

Scott nods and follows her. He lets her words sink into his mind. He hates the negativity, but it's not really wrong. He understands.

They look for Knives.



Knives Chau

Sanity: 89%
Infected: ???
Notes: Laying on the floor in a puddle of blood
Inventory: Picture of Scott from forever ago that is now covered in blood but has been washed in the washing machine like 1000 times
"..help me"

"Did Stephen do this?!"



Knives passes out.

"No!! Please!!" Ramona says.

They take her to a hospital.

"W-What?" Knives says, holding her head.

"You-You said someone got you..who?"


"Did you forget?!"

"Forget? Who are you? Where am I?! What am I?!"

Ramona puts a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm your best friend. Ramona."

"Oh..okay.. but..I don't recognize you..Where is Tamara?"

Ramona smiles, happy she remembers something..someone..soon to realize she doesn't know where Tamara is.


It's her! Tamara Chen.

Tamara Chen

Sanity: 93%
Infected: No
Notes: Knives' high school friend
Inventory: Pencil
"Hey, Knives!"

They hug.

"Are you okay, Knives?"

"Yeah! I think.."

Suddenly, Knives remembers everything. It's like Tamara fixed her.

"Oh!! You're Ramona! I remember you now!"

"So..who..what attacked you?"

"It was Young Neil. Or his body. I don't know."

"He's infected?!"

"Yeah. I think. He tried to bite me.. bloodshot eyes..rotting body..bloody nose.."

"Yeah. He's infected..but..where did he go?!"

"I don't know."

"Oh no."

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now