pt 17 or 18 idk😭

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Scott walks out and sighs.

"Hey..Nat." Scott groans.

"It's Envy to you." Envy sighs.

Scott stays silent.

Todd looks over at Scott, and pulls out a middle finger.

Scott bumps Ramona's shoulder.

"Have they always been this..bitchy?" He asks, in a low voice.

"Don't ask me! You dated her!" Ramona says.

"Oh..yeah." Scott says, remembering. No, she wasn't always this bitchy.

Scott slides across the wall slowly, trying to not be noticed by anyone.

Ramona puts wood on the ground for everyone to board the door and windows.

Scott groans and walks towards the pile, grabbing one, then putting it on the window in the bathroom.

Ramona looks over, and Wallace is asleep. Again.

She bashes his head into the wall.

Wallace wakes up and looks at her.

"Fuck you! What was that for?!" Wallace cries, holding his head.

"For falling asleep again. Help us set up boards on the windows and doors." Ramona crosses her arms.

"cough Why the hell would I do that if you just bashed my head into the wall?!" Wallace says.

"So you don't get kicked out. Get your ass up and help us, lazy." Ramona walks towards the pile.

Wallace sighs and stands up. He helps put up the wood, and then after putting up one, falls asleep again.

They almost finish, and Scott sees Wallace asleep on the bedroom floor.

"Oh my god." Scott sighs under his breath.

He pushes Wallace and tries to wake him up any bit nicer than Ramona did.

He sits Wallace up again.

"Dude, get up now! Ramona's gonna kick your ass!" Scott says, shoving him.

Wallace wakes up and sees Scott right next to his face.

"You're up! Why do you keep sleeping?!" Scott asks.

"Better question is, why is your face so close to mine?" Wallace asks.

"U-Uh..that doesn't matter!" Scott's face turns red. "Wh-Why do you keep sleeping?"

"Because I'm tired. And you still haven't answered my question." Wallace rolls his eyes.

"U-Uh." Scott backs away. "Listen, I—"

"Do you still need help with the boards or not?" Wallace asks.

"Oh. Um, I don't think so."

"I slept through all of that?!" Wallace eyes widen. "What time is it?"

"Like, 4AM. We're probably gonna sleep soon."

"Oh. Okay." Wallace stands.

"Quick question." Wallace says.

Scott sighs. "Yeah?"

"Why is your face so red?" Wallace smiles.

"I— reason! I'm uh—tired from putting up the boards!" Scott says.

"Right." Wallace walks out of the room.

Scott stands there and Ramona comes in.

"Hey. What were you doing in here for the past 5 minutes?" She asks.

"Waking up Wallace, why?" Scott says.

"Oh. Just asking. Because you had been working for a bit and just stopped I guess." She tells him.

im like rlly bored rn soo here u go😇

DISCONTINUED & UNFINISHED: scott pilgrim infection storyWhere stories live. Discover now