Chapter 3: Following Her

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She walked down the ramp. And my eyes crept on her body like some leech. Memorizing every silent feature of her’s.
Her long legs, her petite model perfect figure, her long braided brunette hairs, her strong jawline and appealing facial symmetry.
I felt as if her every other details got imprinted on my brain. No doubt she is much more than just appealing, to have caught my heart in her clutches.
This is the very first time, where I am feeling this intensity of pull from a girl.
Nothing in this world have attracted me other then my money. But now when I look clearly, I think this girl will be taking place even above money.
It felt funny, how a mere brunette can cause my heart to shake and tremble. I need to protect myself of course. But do I want to?

As she walked down, she froze for the second time in the evening. I smirked at my sensitive rabbit. How does she know every time I stare down at her. She sense and perceive my presence so beautifully.
Regaining her composure, she walked back.
As evening came to an end, she bid her goodbye and walked to the parking area. Where I followed her closely. She clearly knew I was behind her. From time to time, she kept looking back to find a shadow behind her.
She almost ran to her car and sat in. She thinks that running away can protect her from me? How funny of her. At the same time, she is being scared.
Seconds passed, her engine didn’t purr into life. She must be waiting for me to come out of my hiding place. But being stubborn, I didn’t budged. I clearly knew my ability, I surely will be able to catch up with her.
Finally giving up, she got her car in life and making a sharp reverse and turn, she dashed out of the basement. I cheerily walked back to where my car was parking, stuffing one hand on my pant’s pocket.
Once there, I shredded my spotless white shirt and put on my black hoodie, which I generally wear when I am chasing my prey. This time around, I will be hunting down a rabbit.
To have a long lavish scrumptious dinner.
Getting on driver’s seat, I drove out of the parking area.
I know where I need to go.
Where do you think a rabbit runs away to after being chased by his hunter?
To it’s burrow.
And I did my homework perfectly. I know where is my rabbit’s burrow is. I drove directly to where her house is and parked my  car by a tree. Being a fan of calm life, she bought her house with minimum neighbour, far from the rush of city lights and near the forest of pinewoods; that is east Texas.
And giving me a perfect area to hunt her down.
She already reached her home. Her car parking in the boundary confinement told me so.
I got out of my car and walked straight by the side of the road. Taking cigarette out, I placed it in between my lips and lit it up.
Letting the smoke disperse around the thin air, I looked up at her window, where she was already standing, peeking out at me.
I chuckled, I have never felt this amount of kick chasing a prey, the rush of dopamine I am feeling right now.
For the first time, our eyes met  and rather than running away, she held my gaze. And I liked it, rather loved it.
Although far away, I was easily able to read her expressions. The false bravery she was throwing at my face.
I let my back meet the pole and I kept of scrutinizing at her. And she gave me an equal and opposite challenge.  She stood by her window and looked down at me.
Some times later, I think her phone rang, because she looked down at it for a second, and I camouflaged into the darkness.
Immediately I went back home. For today, this much is enough. I will plan our meet. Soon I will. A grand one.

I returned back to my mansion and got myself indulged with the work ahead of me. But my sweet temptation didn’t left me even for a second. She kept of peeping on my mind every now and then.
After some time, I left my work. I was not able to concentrate on it. I wished an escape.

For next week or so, I kept on following her, learning each and every pattern of her, her every next move, her close friends and acquaintances. And when sun would set, every evening I was found standing out of her house. And we looked at each other for hours, while I smoke and she stood by her window. A new kind of bond formed in my heart. One may call it a knot. And that know kept on increasing in size.
The more I learnt about her, the more I got pulled towards her. And the gravity pull I experienced kept of increasing with each passing day.
Finally the day came when I decided to pay her my visit. I reached her yet another fashion show. When the show was over, I followed her to her dressing area.
Everything about to occur was pre-decided.
I smirked, thinking about how she is acting like a drug on my brain. Making me touch my new peek, every time I look at her.
Like some poison. Turned me obsessed over her with each passing day.

Hey my lovely readers,

I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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