Chapter 20: His Wrath?

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“Cant I?”

He repeated himself like a broken record. Same thing, again and again.
Begging for love again and again.
I sighed before comforting him.

“You are drunk. We will have this discussion once you are sober enough.”

I turned back to my sleeping companion, my couch. But before I can reach it, Gabriel held me from behind and encircled his arms around my waist.
And Lord!
That increased my heart beat. It raced. I felt like déjà vu. As if I experienced it before. As I have been held captive before.

“Sydney I..”

“Gabriel leave me.”

My breathing labored. I closed my eyes to pull me out of that condition. Pull me out of his  memories.
Even I wish to move on from him, and his memories. Even I don’t wish to remain stuck with them.
Well, because he eloped. And never returned to me.

But Gabriel’s constant physical advancements is not giving me enough space to do so. He.. he give me impression that my shadower gave me off.


I tried to wriggle out of his clutch, but he tightened his hold, knocking air out of my lungs.

“Please Sydney, I just want a small portion of it.”

He removed my chemise strap and seconds later his lips were on my left shoulder, while his right hand travelled down south, reaching for my core.

“Gabriel no.”

I held his hand, but my strength was nothing when compared to his’.
Finally reaching for my most sensitive part, he cupped it and smacked it from above the fabric.

“Gabriel at least give me sometime.”

I let the lone tear formed on the corner of my eyes to fall.
And he stopped.
His lips stilled against my shoulder and his fingers the were dancing moments ago, quietened.
Holding my arm, just above my elbow, he turned me to face him and I drowned myself in those dark, hunting blue eyes. Eyes that are capable enough to engulf me. His eyes, that shines with warmth and comfort, like cozy shimmery water playing under sunrays; yet were mysterious, dark and held the depth of an ocean.

“You don’t want this?”

I preferred not to speak, rather I took my steps back, trying to protect myself.

“Stop running away from me dammit.”

He clutched handful of my hairs on the back of my neck and dragged me to him. I shivered under his touch.

“Now tell me. You don’t want this with me?”

I closed my eyes as pain of hair being pulled radiated through out my skull. I held his wrist, digging my nails in his skin. And for sure, leaving the marks for good.

“Not now. At least. Give me sometime till we get married.”

He squeezed my cheeks between his fingers and thumb and rested his forehead against mine. Fresh, warm tears, fell from my eyes.

“Why? Are you a virgin?”

I tried to wriggle out. But the more I tried the more I felt my hair being pulled.

“I don’t wish to discuss my sex life with you.”

Words barely came out of my crushed oral cavity. But I tried my best to convey the message.
He chuckled at my face and separated his forehead from mine. His blue forest were full of the raising cyclone within them. As if would finish everything in front of him.

“So much I wish to kill every other man, that ever touched you. Ever laid even a finger on you.”

And yess.
His expressions were like that. Like he could actually kill a person right now.
But he won’t.

“Gabriel, you are not in right mind. We will have discussion later. We will come along and we will find a way.”

“There is no way.”


I tried once again to set myself free of his clutch.

“You never said no to him. You simply surrendered.”

I stilled. How does he know? Did he kept an eye on us that night? If he did, he is no less than my stalker.
But, if in fit of rage or jealousy, he tries to harm him then? No. He can’t. He got the wrong man.
I know he did. Even he knows. And this is why, he never accepted the fact.
But again, then where is he?


He whispered in my ears. His lips lightly grazed my pinna, sending millions of current down to my core.

“You are again thinking about him.”

My eyes widened. I looked at him and he smirked.
Leaving me with a jerk, he walked towards the couch and slumped on it. Minutes later, room filled with his soft breaths, indicating him to be travelling in the world of beautiful dreams.
Moonlight shimmery threads fell on his face, and his long black lashes casted a perfect shadow on his face, highlighting his features.
Mesmerized, I kept looking at him. I might not love him. But yes, I am attracted to this British man like I am to no one.
One may say sexually, physically or aesthetically.
I spent the night, sitting near the foot of my bed and even fell asleep there.

Morning sunshine arrived with chipping little birds and butterflies playing under the sun rays.
I opened my eyes and peeped out of my window. It was a wonderful morning, sun was out, temperature was moderate and my head felt light.
Yawning and stretching myself, I rose myself up, but something felt soft beneath my touch. It was my quilt.
I looked down at it, as if have seen a ghost. As long as I can recall, I fell asleep on the floor and not the bed.
I am sick. Not physically but mentally. Except of my own home, it takes me years to adjust to a new environment. Even if it’s my parents home where I grew up. May be, because of the incident that took place here.
Falling a sleep on the bed was out of question. I slept on the floor making up my mind that I will leave here soon.
But finding myself sleeping and snoring, without a worry of this world make me re think about my condition. May be I am healing.
But how did I ended up on my own bed. Unless..
I looked at the direction of couch. Empty couch.
Unless Gabriel moved me.

Collecting my broken self, I freshened up and walked down for breakfast, where my parents were already indulged in conversation with Gabriel. They were laughing and telling him about the incident, looking down at something.
I walked near and it became more clear.
It was my picture lying on the centre where my child self was posing on a bath tub, but to embarrass me further without a piece of clothe. And my parents didn’t stopped themselves here, they were telling him about the incident behind that shoot.
My eyes enlarged to the point where it hurt me and I immediately made a run and got hold of the picture.
Every eye turned to me, including his.
I secured my hair lock behind my left ear and stammered.

“You can’t show my embarrassing pics to everyone.”

Gabriel turned to look at the other side. Soon the smile that were reaching his eyes, disappeared. And his this withdrawal caused a fire to ignite in me.
What’s this?
What this feeling is?
Where I want attention from my to be husband and at the same time I want to be in arms of person who was shadowing me.

“He is not some stranger honey. He is your almost husband.”

My mother stood from the seat beside him and held my hand.
I looked at his direction but he kept his eyes trained to the wall in front of him, as if that’s the most interesting thing he have ever seen.
And at the same time my eyes remained trained at him, for a whole minute but he didn’t turned to me.

After having almost peaceful breakfast, we bid goodbye to my parents and Gabriel dropped me. Throughout the way, he didn’t spoke a word to me, neither did he laid his hand on me.

“See you.”

Before getting off the car, I bid him, where as he kept looking straight ahead.
Two days crossed, he never contacted me. Neither did I. Nor did I exited my home. And my schedule was something like getting up late in morning, having the most unhealthiest breakfast, spend my day watching some series, ordering take outs of dinner and sleep late at night.
Soon I ran scarce of my junk food and I went to the nearest convince store for it.
When I was returning, I felt as if is being shadowed, again.
I looked back, but found no one. My steps increased in speed and I almost ran in direction of my home.
But the feeling, I always had, where hairs of my back stood straight and a weird shiver ran down my spine didn’t left me.
But suddenly a thought crossed my mind in lightening speed. What if he is following me?
I turned back to look at the street of broken lamps, but again no one was there. But yes, I did felt someone is near me, keeping an eye on me. Might be behind the nearest tree, or the wall few steps ahead.
I took few steps in opposite direction, wanting to approach the nearest tree, and see if actually someone was there.
But before I can take steps further in that direction, my phone rang.
It displayed name,,


Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. Please let me know in the comment section.

Thank you,,
Your author,

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