Chapter 12: Surfacing Madness

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I splashed bucket full of water on our uninvited, most filthy, dirtiest guest, Dean. He woke up from his unconsciousness by the sudden shock his body received.
I will kill him today.
I know, how he touched her, what was going on his mind while looking at Sydney. And for that, I will pluck his eyes out of the respective sockets. I will crack open his skull to scoop out his dirty little mind.
I will exceed beyond any extreme boundaries, I have to go.

After waking up, the first thing his shocked, in mode of fright mind did was, looking around and absorbing his surrounding.
I didn’t wished any misshaping to fall on me after this night. So, I brought this good for nothing bastard to Gavin’s warehouse. Not only will his man finish off my work but will also dispose the body neatly for me. Leaving behind no traces.

“Hello Dean Abney.”

He came out of daze when done with his inspection.

“I got nothing to do with that bitch. I was just having fu...”

A sharp blow was delivered on his jaw. My fist. My fist did the job.

“Who’s the bitch now?”

I questioned, cracking my knuckles. Dean covered his jaw with his palm, pain clearly visible on his face.

“Tell me asshole.”

I folded my sleeves and sat on the floor to reach his height.

“Who’s the bitch you are referring to?”

I shouted on his face. My real voice returned. And I felt so powerful. It sucks, where I cant reveal my face, my voice to my dulcinea.
But here, I can do that. I can reveal my voice, my face everything. I mean anyways, this man gonna die. What’s the use of hiding it any more.

He remained silent, instead, he covered his face and sobs filled the surrounding. It was like music to my ears.

“I.. I was never intended to be with your girlfriend.”

I smirked, at the way he was referring her to be mine. I like this part of our conversation. I may even let him go, if her continues to speak this way. That too alive with all parts attached to his body.

“I didn’t even knew she had a boyfriend.”

He cried by the end of statement. This filthy little shit, only knows to move his hands on other’s woman and cry after committing grave mistakes.

“So, you place your hands over every girl’s thigh you meet?”

“She gave me clear indications. She wanted me to fuck her.”

He shouted, and I cut his source of sound by clasping and winding my fingers around his throat.
His eyes bulged out and with every passing seconds his face turned pale.

“How dare you put your hands on my woman? Mine.”

I shouted on his face and his soul was almost ready to leave his body, leaving just the shell. I let his throat go and he coughed badly.
Standing up straight, I went where all my tools were already waiting for me.

“Brace up Dean. This was just the trailer.”

I picked up a base ball bat and inspected it. Truth to be told, I was passing my time.

“N.. No. Please. I will never touch a girl. I will never even think of girls. I will never walk in the bars. Never.”

He was begging for his life. I closed my eyes.
These are the things that gave me and my life a kick.
He begging me, was all because of these three. I love this feeling. But for some reason, I was not feeling the same surge as I was feeling when Sydney beneath me was begging me to let her go, withering in my arms.
This, what I am experiencing now, is nothing compared to what I felt moments ago.
I need to finish soon. Soon I need to be near my addiction.
Opening my hood, I turned back to face Dean. And it was sight to remember. A beautiful sight. Where colour left his face and soul left his body.

“It.. It’s you?”

I laughed and it rumbled in my surrounding.


“Sydney is in a great trouble.”

He concluded.
Amusement left my eyes. And insecurity, possessiveness returned back to my eyes.

“Care about your own life. Dare to take her name again from this mouth of your and I will twist you mandible, breaking it onto two halves.”

Fear unlocked once again on his eyes. Yes, I want you to care about your shits. And not even peep in Sydney’s direction.

“What will you get by killing me.”

I smiled. He and his silly questions.

“Nothing. Of course. This is why I will leave you alive. In our worst form possible.”

He looked at me as if is seeing the ultimate form of devil.


I came out of the room, after I was finished with Dean. And for what he did to my Sydney, I did nothing.
I just broke his phalanges for touching her and scarred his one eyes, for looking at her. Rest I left him in hand of Gavin’s man.

Leaving the warehouse, I at once drove to Sydney’s home. I walked in, and this time not quietly like some obsessed ass stalker, but like a man.
Her man.

Straight away, I entered her bedroom, opening the door with a bang.
She was sleeping on her bed. Soundly. Her face was scarce of any worry, without a care of this world.
I walked to her bed, shredding my hoodie to collect on the floor. I looked down at her. Moon casted its silver thread of light on her beautiful face. Illuminating and highlighting her features by ten folds.
I grazed my fingers over her cheek, she still didn’t woke up. Neither did she stirred on her sleep.
Well, how can she? When alone at her home, I mixed Zale...*, a sleeping drug in her water drinking glass. The tumbler that my miss home body always use.
(*I have not mentioned whole name of the drug because I don’t feel it right for some reason.)

I knew, she will drink it, sooner or later. I entered her home, without a care was just a trial and error experiment. If she is already asleep, best for me, if not, we will be struggling together for the night.
Raising the blanket she tugged herself in, and saw her dressed in a beautiful black camisole, exposing her cleaves and her tiny waist. I didn’t dare to pull the blanket more lower.
How will I cross this night? I brought this up on myself.
Anyways, just for few more days, she will happily walk in my arms and at that time, I will let myself go. I wont bond me and my urges anymore.
Taking my shoes off, I climbed up her bed and laid myself down, beside her.
Placing my heavy arm on her waist, I nudged my nose on the length of her neck, taking in the fragrance of her shampoo. She smells lovely.
This will be the second last night, I am meeting her as her shadower.

Before the dawn broke, I left her place, not leaving a single trace of my presence. By the time I left, I am sure, the drugs must be wearing off.

Next night, I again walked in her home. This time, a little late than the usual time I did. Because, I know, she must me waiting for me. I know today she is desperate for me to be at her home.
Because I also know, I am clearly aware of what she is conspiring. Or how she had set a trap against me. But still I happily walked in the trap. Because I am intended to make her fall in love with me. For an eternity.

“You are late today.”

I knew, she was waiting for me. For her stalker, for whom she had already fallen.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. Sorry for the slow updates.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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