Chapter 11: Ingenuity

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My eyes were glued to the screen, where, I can see Sydney sitting in my office

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My eyes were glued to the screen, where, I can see Sydney sitting in my office. Yes, she is back. I smiled at the thought.
The other day, when I suggested her to get married, she stormed out of my cabin as if I used some wrong slang. Even I didn’t knew I would suggest any such thing as marriage.
But, at the end of the day, why won’t I? She is beautiful, talented, perfect daughter in law. Plus point, my ass needs to get married as soon as possible.
If i wont before I turn 31, my grandmother’s property will dissolve and automatically, my cousin Harry, will heir it.
In simple words, I need to get married to stretch myself.
When I first saw Sydney walking in my office, it felt as if Lord of heavens has blessed my day. My hunt came walking on her own two legs.

Using excuse ‘I-don’t-need-money-from-a-beautiful-lady’, I proposed her for marriage. But she walked out even before I could explain her the situation completely.
After she was gone, I laughed like some near to maniac person. No doubt she was angry, but she looked like a cute bunny. Bunny I want to eat, leaving no crumbs.

And now, look at her. Came back running, waiting for me. She looked at her watch from time to time, waiting for me to listen to her request.
I smiled and kind of ogled at her for half hour more, as she was constantly been captured by the camera in me cabin.
I never thought she would reject me this disastrously. Never had seen this worst rejection ever in my life. Not after the first reaction she gave me, when I walked in my cabin.

Passing some time, I walked in my cabin and she abruptly stood getting whiff of me entering.

“I am so sorry, I had..”

“I am ready to marry you.”

I smiled. This desperate? Really?


I trailed off, taking my seat. I gestured her too, to take her seat, but she preferred to stand like a pole above my head.

“..Why so?”

I completed myself. She finally decided to take her seat.


She pleaded. Raising bars of my amusement. And yes, no doubt, I am enjoying every bit of this moment.

“I was in hurry Ms...”

I opted to act like I have completely forgotten about her existence.

“Sydney Hatchett.”

Oh good! Congratulations, you are quite convinced.

“Yes, Ms. Hatchett.”

“Please, if not marry, I am ready to pay you any amount. Or rather do anything you would ask me for.”

I smiled. I already have guessed she is childish. But to this extent? Never thought.

“You should not casually place such promises on a stranger’s palm.”

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