Chapter 13: Rising Feeling

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“You are late today

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“You are late today.”

The first thing I spoke to him was this, as if I was desperately waiting for him. And guess what, I was.
His low chuckle snaked me like a silken, shiny thread; causing an unknown factor run down my spin and I shivered.
In long strides, he approached me and bending himself enough, he reached my ears, only to whisper.

“Were you waiting for me, sweetness?”

His whispers travelled down and tickled every single cell present in me.
Unwinding my legs, I stood up from my seat. Approaching counter, I poured down the red shiny liquid in separate glasses.
My favourite wine; our favourite wine.
After he drank every last drop of my last bottle, I took out a new one of same brand from a different year, specially for this moment.
Holding the glass, I turned back to him. Extending my hand in his direction, I indicated him to take the glass.

“Our first and last drink together.”

To my surprise, he took the glass from my hand without a word. I thought that he would act all pink panther, suspecting my moves.
But no, he was calm. Calm as sea before storm.
Shall I try my luck? Turn this last night of ours together into a memorable one?

“I am turning you up.”

He chuckled, as if some kid is blabbering an unrealistic future. But what he said further surprised me.

“I know.”

He took a sip, and after savouring it for some time, he let the liquid drip down his throat, bobbing his Adam’s apple up and down.

“You know?”

He didn’t said anything further.


“You tell me darling. How do you think?”

I smiled. Of course, after all, he is my stalker. He knows my every move, is aware of where I took my breaths.

“Still you are here?”

He didn’t responded rather, he poured more sips down his throat.

“To get caught?”

Is he that obsessed? To this extend? Where his brain is not able to process what’s right or wrong?


Setting his glass aside, he walked near me in slow progressive steps.
In the dark room, black panther approached his prey, his deer with slow, heavy steps. But the deer didn’t ran away after being afraid of her hunter. Rather, remain rooted to the spot. Waiting for her predator to come even closer to her. Engulf her completely, not leaving a single trace of her’s.

I wish to be destroyed by him? Let me be your moth and you be my fire? Is this what I wish for?

Taking steps back, I let my back hit the counter. As he was close enough, he put his both hands on the either side of me and went for my ears.

“I want to savour this last night of ours together till every drop, love.”

His hot breaths fanned my pinna. And I lost every shred of control in me. I extended my hand to drown in the black hole, where his face is. Which he is hiding since the dawn.
My finger touched his silky hairs, and as I ran my tips down, I touched his closed eyes. I touched his other eye with my other hand, which was again closed. I ran my finger through his high steeping nose bridge, and then to his as sharp as could cut onions jaw line and finally to his lips.
His thin soft lips.
I have never seen him, but I can say, he got the best facial features, drawing me more towards him.
My thumb grazed his lips and its ends curved up to a smile.

“You are beautiful.”

I whispered, tip toeing as my lips danced inches away from his’.

“How do you know?”

He whispered me back. Rather than replying, I let my lips collide his warm lips and started to chew on his lower one.
He too begin chewing on my lips and we behaved like we are having the tastiest meal we ever had.
I lost myself in him. I know what so ever this dumb brain of mine is cooking, is not healthy for me, but some unknown gravity existed in between us. He being earth and I moon, because of the pull I am slowly experiencing.
His body collided and covered mine. He rubbed himself on me. He rubbed his hard pipe against me, trying to satisfy his devil.
But we have already turned to animal, does he really think that these little tricks will work?
His hands ran down my back and leaving my lips, he went of my neck.
My heavy breaths, moans and his lips smacking shrouded us.
Is this right?
Do I want this?
Yes, yes, yes; and a hundred times more yes.

“I want to look at your face.”

“I cant allow that.”

He replied in a muffled voice, with his lips still on my neck.

“Why did you chased me?”

“I fell for you at the first sight.”

It took me back, he is quite straight forward. But again, at the end of the day, he do have some bold moves.
But is this the only way to go after the girl you fell for? There are normal ways too.

“Why would you approach me this way?”

I spoke my mind, in between my huffs.
If, only if he would have approached me normally, only if he would have pursued me, today we would have been different. I would have not felt the pain I am experiencing now.
He stopped in his action, and he held my cheeks between his palms. Resting his forehead against mine, he panted.

“This fire in between us would have never been ignited. And I only know this way.”

I closed my eyes in anticipation. I have never felt this pleasure, just by a simple kiss. I have never experienced this amount of pleasure in someone’s touch.
What he is saying is truth, at same time it felt so wrong.

“Can we..”

I have to stop myself.

“Can we have a new beginning?”

And I did it. Once again his lips were on mine. My shadow kissed my soul. For a long long time.


I begged him. But he denied me.

“No. We cant.”


I almost cried.

“Because I am supposed to remain in the darkness. Hand me over to them.”

He instructed me.

“No. Please.”

I begged him. He chuckled.

“Miss Hatchett.”

The way he called me, took my brain back to a particular person.
I was stunned and froze for seconds. How shameless of me, thinking of my to be husband while making out with some other man. And cherry on the cake, not some normal other man but, my stalker, my shadower.

“Have you fallen for me?”

His next question even pushed me more towards the edge.
Have I?
No, I cant. This is so wrong. Falling for a man who followed me, tormented me mentally, harassed me.
But, who have ever had their control over these feeling? And I think, the same goes with me.

“You are right, I have fallen for you. But at the same time..”

I took a pause. I looked at him for a long duration before continuing. I can do it.

“ the same time, you followed me around, tormented me.”

I  pressed the button on my phone. They will be arriving any second. Inversely, last few seconds with storm as well as my peace.
I held him, snaking my arms around his waist. Placing my ears just above his heart, I listened to his calm beats.

“Never regret. This is the right thing to do.”

His last words hit my ears, and soon my door flung open. Gabriel’s man entered the room.
And they took him away with them.
They took my source of affliction, suffering, pain with them. I don’t know, i don’t remember, how they separated us, how they drag him out, how I sat on floor crying and later weeping.
To answer of his question, yes I have fallen for him.
But if he would have asked me why, I would have gone blank.
I don’t know, I fell for a faceless man, I don’t know what features he have, or what he likes or what he is like.
The only thing I know about him is, he loves me.
More than any single soul in this world...

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. I know many of you will find today’s chapter out of world or scarce of logics. But, I wanted to move forward this way.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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