Chapter 25: Let's Get Even

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I stared at my own reflection on the mirror in washroom

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I stared at my own reflection on the mirror in washroom. My eyes carried the bags of exhaustion under them because of crying for the whole night. Blood vessels popped in them, turning them red.
My lips looked dry and chapped and still, sobs fly free from them. Tears ran down my cheeks, and the salty texture of it irritated my skin even further because of the constant rubbing them off.
Overall my appearance looked no less than a haunted mansion.
But what about my heart, which was slowly shredding to millions of pieces, because of the experience delivered to me from my only love.
When I first discovered my feelings for Gabriel, I thought they were merely obsession for him in my lonely life. But after he hid himself, I still longed for him. That was the time I understood my real self.
He gave me peace. The peace I searched for everywhere. The peace I have been looking for since the age of my teens, from the time I entered modelling, I found that peace in him.
He felt like home to a stray cat. He felt like flower nectar to butterfly. He felt like sunlight to the moon.
Without him, I was alive but with him I survived.
And he, he fucking bastard played with my heart.
He could have revealed himself, or he.. he could have approached me just as Gabriel.
Why to play this dirty game with my innocent heart?
Where he was always in front of me, but I was searching for him like star in stark daylight.
I picked up hair mask container from platform, and threw it free in the direction of mirror, smashing it into millions of little pieces, representing the current condition of my heart.
I clutched my hair like a mad girl, and sobbing I sat on the floor.


I screamed on the top of my lungs. So hard that it hurt me.

“Just why the hell would you do that?”

I screamed again. As of I loosen all the control I had in my throat.

“Why you mother fucker, just why?”

I cried my heart out. Pouring all my pain, agony and suffering out in form of tears.

“I did nothing wrong to you, then why?”

Washroom echoed with my sobs. I sat there for hours, crying and turning my eyes to hot potatoes.
After finally wrapping my mind around the plan of revenge, I walked out of there, after having fresh shower and draping myself in towel.
I stood by the bed where Satan was sleeping without a care of this world. After turning my peaceful world upside down.

“I may not be as clever as you.”

I spoke to the log of wood on my bed.

“But a day will come when I will snatch this beautiful sleep of yours.”

I declared with confidence.

“Because you are head over heels for me. This obsession of yours will be responsible for your fall.”

Smiling and mocking his coming future, I walked to the wardrobe. Wearing the best perfume and sexiest dress my wardrobe has, I walked to the kitchen.
Well, like a good wifey to prepare breakfast for my hubby.
Soon I felt someone staring down at me. Same chill ran down my spine at lightening speed. The chill I felt on the stage for the first time, at my home, in allies and ‘n’ number of times already. And at once I knew this is no other than my former stalker and now my husband, Gabriel.
He came in and I tried my best to convince him to take me his home.
I saw it in his eyes, I saw that clearly. The floating clouds of doubt. How come I changed in overnight?
But darling, does that really concerns me?
Well, no. A big, big, big NO.
I just want to enter that home, I want to be close to you, as close as possible, I want to find your weakness, and then I will attack you with the sharpest sword in my collection. And for this revenge, I am even ready to come in order with mine acrophobia.
I will destroy you in the form, you never expected. You never thought of. My power will be my beauty, the beauty for which you fell and caused a chaos in my life.

Immediately after breakfast, Gabriel drove us to his mansion, and of course, he was as happy as he can dance on the air.

“This is the estate I made with my own blood and sweat.”

He spoke as he drove past the gate. The shine in his eyes, were something different. Like some emerald Phoenix shinning under the moonlight.
Is this mansion his weakness?
We walked in the mansion, and he showed me every other thing in the mansion with the same shine in his eyes. Be it chandelier hanging in the main hall, the gold plated staircase railing, most antique auctioned painting or the beautiful fountain in his backyard.
Everything he showed me like an excited child, flaunting his painting.
He took me to the study, and standing by the window, we peeped out in the garden.



“What do you love the most in this world?”

I looked at his direction, and listening to the question, his lips stretched to a broad smile. Thinking for some time, he replied me, still adoring his precious garden.

“Is it not obvious?”

He finally looked at me.

“You, my treasure.”

I was dumbfounded. Me? If that were the case, you would never have deceived me.
And I obviously can’t remove myself from this world to avenge you.
I smiled like a silly girl, as if hearing a confession for the first time.
I looked back in the direction of garden.

“I meant..”

I felt something creeping around my waist. Looking down I found his hand snaking around me. And my breathing hitched.
No, I should control myself. I should not let these things to effect me.
I made myself understood, it’s okay, I will cross this. I will overcome this situation bravely.
And to my concern, he placed his chin on my shoulder, after placing a kiss lightly on there.
The touch that I longed for, is causing my skin to heat up. That particular crawling feeling, distressed me.

“You meant?”

His heavy voice same as whispers, tingled my ears.

“I meant, materialistic thing?”

“You are quite curious about me. Are you that determined?”

He blew in my ear, and placed a kiss on my right cheek.
But distracted, my mind was elsewhere. Is he doubting me? Did he saw through my cleverness?

“Yeah. Actually I.. I want to know about you. As a partner.”

My voice turned low by the end of the statement. And silently in my heart, I prayed. I prayed from God, to save me from this monster and not let him know about my plans.


He approved, finally, letting me to relax and sigh.
But to my next concern, he inched more near me and my fist balled, trying my best not to jerk this jerk of off my body.

“I like my money the most.”

His hand ascended, and reached for my upper abdomen, at the same time, tightening his grip more around me.

“The hard made money of my own.”

Next he lightly grazed the end of my swells with his thumb. Causing me to further loose my mind over him.
So he loves money. And if I ambush that hard made money of his, then? Will that break him from inside?
He took another step towards me, causing my front to collapse against the window sill.

“I just love my money.”

He whispered again and burried his face in the nape of my neck. This vary act caused my heartbeat to escalate. What is he trying to do?
But all of a sudden, i felt something hard against my ass. And it constantly was increasing in size. The hard thing was capable enough to distract me from my revenge plane and drown in the sea of pleasure.


“I am big, right?”

He whispered again, rubbing himself against me. And the sea of pleasure splashed all over me, soaking me up from head to toe. It felt like a hard slap, bringing me back to the earth.
Yeah, you are. And yes, I felt you even before. This is not my first experience with you. With the man i failed to recognize.
I stretched my hands, causing him to take steps back and leave my waist.

“I will be back from washroom.”

I turned back to leave but he held my hand, particularly clutching it and crushing it.

“Are you avoiding me?”

“No, why would I?”

“You are. Is this how you want us to proceed?”

He declared and took a step towards me.

“You don’t wish to be close to me.”

He took another step towards me.

“You are just..”

‘..Just stalling time.’

I thought and completed him. The doubts in his heart resurfaced. And before they can overpower and take over his mind, I closed the gap in between us and crashed my lips on his’. I chew on his lower lip while he sucked air out of my lungs. Soon his hands travelled south, to my ass while I invaded my tongue in his mouth.

I don’t know, how I will survive this place by the time I bring him down.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. This is the confused version of Sydney, not in her correct mind. And still is weaving her plans and her feelings towards Gabriel. We will get to read a more clear version of her thinking.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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