Chapter 16: Polish

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Serena's laugh echoed around us

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Serena's laugh echoed around us.
Gabriel's British accent as smooth as Tennessee whiskey can get anyone hook around his nook.
I called him and asked him for his presence as my friends wanted to meet him. And he with lightening speed came here in minutes.
Was he somewhere near?
At first sight, they definitely didn't liked him.
But as he told everything about his business, about our first time meet and how he fell for me at the first sight (Which I think is definitely a lie), because of which he proposed me holding it as an opportunity; got them bewitched around him.
He unfolded himself in a silken way, a single step at a time.
At first, he told them about his actual business.
Then he gave a rough idea about what his family business is about.
And at last he told them how he needs to get married within an year as his grandmother's demand. Although he skipped the inheritance part.
But yeah, how smartly he answered every question thrown in his direction, got him this far.
But, was I worried? Worried for the part where my friends wont like him?
Of course, no doubt I was.
But why? For sure I don't harbour a single ounce of feeling for this man.
Or do I?

Another roar of Serena's laugh brought me back to the table.

"You will keep your lady happy?"

She concluded, trying to control down her laughs.

"Will I?"

Gabriel smiled, keeping his expression neutral.
At the same moment, I felt something crawling up my right thigh. To be accurate, someone's hand.
And who it can be other than the man sitting beside me?

I straightened feeling the cold fingers running up and nearing my mid thigh, hiking up my skirt.
How can this shameless creature keep a face 'I don't give a shit about this world' and at the same time do such an sinful act.
Moving my hand too under the table, I caught back of his palm, trying to stop him and his over advancements. He did. He didn't moved his hand any further.
But, seconds later, he drew circles using his free thumb. With not just some light force, well and at the same time, with not a lot of force. Just the perfect touch.
I begun to feel uneasy. At any moment, an embarrassing moan will escape my mouth. And every one on the table will know the deeds we are up to.
To supress so, I took a glass of water to drink from it. But this untamed, ferocious gentleman, again got down to his business and inched his hands up, reaching for my inner thigh, he tapped just the exact point.
I loved the point and his action, but definitely not in front of my friends.

Suddenly my eyes met Theo's and he smiled at me. A wicked one. I know what he means.
He got the whiff of the dish been cooked under the table.
Scarlet splashed over my cheeks and I wished to bury my face under the ground.
I need to get out of this mess.

"Uhmmm guys."

I interrupted in between the chattering

"I will be back in seconds."

I was not able to complete myself, and Gabriel's finger dug my flesh over thigh.
As if this action of yours will be able to stop me from my escape?
I stood up and marched in the direction of loo.

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