Chapter 9: The Failed Plan

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“You will have to marry me

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“You will have to marry me.”

I chuckled, reminiscing what he said. Till date, uncountable number of boys and men have proposed me. But no one dared to climb this high in a shot.
When I went blank in front of him, he gave me reasons of why he have kept any such condition in front of me.
That he wants some business to inherit and for that he will have to marry. I don’t know the details. My mind was flying elsewhere.
I just want to know, what kind of rubbish firm is he running? Does he asks for favours from every other client of his’?
Such a baseless demand.
I got out of his cabin at once after an absurd conversation. For once, I thought that yes, finally I have reached the perfect place. But no. I was wrong.
Fine, I can catch the culprit on my own. It wont be a big deal. I just have to lay my plan thoughtfully and without any mistake.

Drawing a conclusion, I chugged down the vodka in my glass, descending my throat, that left a burning sensation as evidence of it’s presence.

“Is this seat taken?”

A muscular hunk stood beside me, looking down at me. I smiled, he is just on time to execute my plans.

“Of course not.”

I threw my best smile in his direction.
Yes, he will catch my shadower for me.
The hunky-dunky stranger slide in the stool by my side in Moonlight Shadow.

“One Martini Cocktail please.”

He ordered the bar tender and his golden brown eyes found me. Before his sight can hit me, I camouflaged my expressions again with a smile.
I need to catch the fish tonight.


Extending his hand for a shake, he smiled at me. I found him decent.


I replied, taking his hand floating in the air.
But than, his eyes travelled down from my face to where my cleavage was, and back to my eyes. Okay, might be not that decent.

I have to bear with him. Plan is simple. Somehow lure him to my home. Bounce him and his dirty desires till my shadower shows up. Once there, Dean will beat him up. Taking an excuse of too shocked, throw these two boys out of my home in seconds.
And as simple it is to listen, I hope it will be as simple to execute.

“You have got pretty pairs of eyes.”

He went with the line which he must have spoke for 100th time at the evening. I know boy, every other girl present here have got those.

I smiled as if I actually mean it.

“Thank you.”

I slide my fingers above his’. Ran them up to the back of his palm. And finally to his triceps.

“You too have got best pairs or arms here. I like muscles man.”

I winked at him. For my nature, I was moving at a great pace than one can expect from me. But I cant wait. I cant let his creepy eyes to burn my skin. I cant smile at him anymore.

“Is that so?”

His eyes twinkled, getting whiff of my intentions. I smiled back at him for one more time.

“Yes. It is.”

His intense gaze burnt me. May be, I took a wrong turn. May be I should have not done any such thing. But what can I do now? When I am already playing with fire. Although, its late for me to realize this but, I will have to go with the plan. I dont have anywhere else to go.

“Shall we proceed to some where quite?”

He suggested the exact thing, I was planning to say. We both were desperate, at this point of time. I was, to get myself free from any other man hovering over my head. And he, well, he was to get his pants down.

“A place you may suggest?”

“Yupp. My car is in basement..”


I gave him reply in my actual rude tone. It took seconds to dissolve the shine in his eyes.

“I mean. It will be uncomfortable for us. Why not in my house?”

His eyes shone brighter. And I smiled as my fingers again wrapped around his neck.

“Why not? Lead the way.”

As we walked out, his hand constantly burned against my lower back. And as we sat on car, his hand immediately found my thigh. He rubbed his palm against it. How much I wished to slap his hands off my body and kill this man at this very instance.
But somehow, I controlled myself.
Throughout the way, he kept on blabbering something or the other. And my pea size brain registered none. It was concentrated somewhere else.
We reached my home, and I jumped out of the car as soon as it halted.

“You seem quite desperate.”

He smirked and I felt even more disgusted.
I walked to the porch and unlocked  the door. As soon as I entered, a sweet fragrance of rose hit my nose. As I entered more with my trembling legs, close behind followed by Dean, the fragrance got strong. In fact the whole dark house was decorated with candles and roses.
My breathing hitched. He is near. What a big mistake have I committed? Knowing that he is the danger dangling over my neck, how can I pull some other being along with me?
I should have not done that. I immediately turned to Dean.

“Oh! You have made prior arrangements?”

He cupped my cheeks. Looking at my lips he took a step towards me.

“Then, I should not keep you waiting.”

“No. Run from here. Please.”

I begged him. But he was in no mood to adjust. I think only when the invisible threat will come as close as a breath, he will understand the weightage of my words.

“No. Not before devouring you.”

“Please Dean, save yourself.”

“Your curves and swells have already killed me.”

His arms snaked around my waist.

“Try to understand. Please..”

“You are back darling.”

A hiccup emerged from my throat.


I whispered. For some reason, I was shivering like a leaf and on the other hand my eyes moistened.

“You have other man in your home?”

Dean looked at me unbelievably.

“Good, we can have threesome.”

He dared to smile. But before he can do anything, my shadower came into the frame. My shivers increased.  Standing just behind Dean, he pressed pad of his index against carotid arteries on both the side of neck and Dean fell unconscious on the floor.


I covered my mouth with my hand and my eyes enlarged.

“What have you done?”

I screamed and streams of tears came undone from my eyes.

“Have you gone mad?”

He didn’t spoke, rather acted as if my screams never reached his ears. He proceeded in my direction. Turning back, I was about to run off, but he caught my arms and threw my body in his shoulder.

“Noo.. leave me. Please let me down.”

I threw my fist on his back. And nothing left impression on him.

“Get me down or I will kill you.”

He walked to the hall and set me on the floor. I immediately tried to escape but holding my ankle he got me glued to the floor.
He chained my ankle to the leg of chesterfield present in the hall. I didn’t knew it ever existed here. Or may be, he made preparations before I turned up.

“Please leave me.”

“You should have listened to me.”

He whispered.

“I wont repeat. I promise, I will never ever repeat these things please leave me. I will never look at other man.”

I clutched his sleeves to hold him there and listen to me. But, giving my a push, he got himself free and walked near similar to a piece of log Dean. Throwing his big body in his shoulder he walked out.

“Where are you going? Where are you taking him?”

I screamed. And my questions were answered by silence. My own voice echoed back to me.
Seconds later, he returned back. My tries already died. I hung my head low. Click of his shoes got near me with every passing second.
Photographs fluttered in the air and surrounded me. Those were the photographs captured in Moonlight Shadow, of me and Dean. Where he held my waist, my fingers on his’ and on different circumstances.

“Ready for the punishment? For the disobedience you have showed.”

Fresh and warm tears ran down my cheeks.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. Please do show some love and support.

Thank you,,
Your author,

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