Chapter 4: First meet

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“I am being followed.”

I exhaled.
I and Serena were at Gavin’s place. Enjoying our own time. Theodore dropped our offer, he had to take Winter somewhere. And Gavin went to his precious love, his company. So it’s just us.
One thing I was not aware off was, my confession would shake Serena up to the core. She spilled the coffee she was having, and screamed loudly tearing my ear drums.

“Whatt? Who’s that bastard? Tell me I will skin him alive.”

She sat up straight and cursed my shadow, dabbing the coffee spill on mate.
I knew, I would receive these reactions from them. They were already worried for me, because of the things I experienced in past. For the sole reason, they treat me as a kid. Although, I am few years younger than these two, but anyhow they are afraid for me.
Seeing the up surfacing worry for me in Serena’s eyes, I immediately regretted my decision to share things with her. She and Theo already have a lot in their respective plates and now I am trying to fit in their hundredth problems.

“I think so. You know some kind of crazy fan.”

I tried to get things back under control.

“I understand. Have you reported this incidence yet?”

No no no, Serena. Don’t do this, I will have to lie to you.

“No, not yet.”


She almost jumped while asking me. Leaving me with no other option.

“It was just one time Serena. You remember the time I froze in my last show. I felt as if someone is watching me.”

I twiddled my nail. What will she think of me? Most probably some kind of lunatic who assumed to be followed by just one incidence. I skipped  rest of the time.

“Are you okay Sydney?”

She held my hands in her warm palms. Giving me feeling of security.
This is what happens when you have crazy ass for you friends. They might have plenty of things to be worried about themselves, but they always put you first.
Tears escaped my eyes, and I wrapped my hands around Serena’s neck, engulfing her in my embrace.

“Thank you Serena.”

I sniffed.

“Honey, You should have told me earlier. That day I came to your dressing room, but you said it’s nothing to be worried off.”

More tears rolled down my cheeks and I tightened my encirclement around Serena.

“ Don’t worry. I will share you number of one of Gavin’s friend. His name is Gabriel. He provides best security of the city.”

Leaving her, I dipped my head in agreement. It’s best to contact someone who can protect me from that darkness.

Leaving Serena alone in her penthouse, I drove back to Modanista. We will be having another show tonight. And a new fear crept in my heart. What if he re visit here? What if freeze like last time I did?
He have been following me everywhere I am going. To convince store, my shop, company for practice, all most everywhere, every single day. And at night, he would stare down at me while I peeped through my window. And all of a sudden, he would disappear in darkness as if is part of it.

Before the show begin, my anxiety was flooding, but as I walked down the ramp, my confidence regained. He was not here today. I can easily perceive the heavy air surrounding me, whenever he is near.
Might be, he actually got bored of me and dropped the idea of following me any further.
I know this is very stupid of me to think so, but no harm with a budding tiny hope.
In a happy happy mood, I ended the show and walked back to my dressing room.
Opening the back zip of dress, I let it go loose around me. I was about to take it off, when light of the building disconnected and I was enshrouded with nothing but darkness.

I felt him entering in my confinement. My shadower. I know he is here. The chills I feel down my spine, how the hairs on the back of my neck, on my nape stood straight, all indicated that he is near me. I trembled, while fumbling in the dark, through my things to find my phone. But before I could, my dressing room’s door closed and locked behind me. I straightened while my breathing escalated, and my heart thumped against my chest, syncing in rhythm with the click of his shoes.
I wanted to scream, I wished to run out of the room, but my past experiences got me freeze where I was standing. My legs turned to concrete.
He was close enough, just behind me. He didn’t touched me up until now but, it’s a matter of time before he catches his prey in his paws.
He put his hands in the either side of me and bent himself enough to reach my ears.

“Hello my little lamb.”

His deep masculine voice enshrouded me, while his minty warm breath fell on my ears.

“I am done with this cat and mouse chase. So, I thought it’s rude of me not to say a simple Hi to you. Moreover...”

He brushed his hands lightly on my already exposed back and brought my hairs to my front. I vibrated and trembled under his mere touch.

“..I know you were aware of my presence for the time being now.”

He whispered in his silken tone, pulling my sleeves down and placing a kiss on my shoulder. Exhaling, I closed my eyes, I wish this all comes to an end.
He ran his cold finger to my lower back and pushed his hand through my fabric, placing it on my lower stomach.
My lips trembled, before words uttered out of them.

“Pl.. please.”

I barely spoke as a whisper, while he ascending placed several kisses on my neck and collar bone. Moving his hand up, he stopped just below my swells and moved his thumb in circles.

“Please what darling?”

He breathed roughly on my ear, while rubbed himself on my ass. I held his hand, and tried to separate us, free myself from his clutches, but I failed miserably. In response, his hold tightened around me.

“Please leave me.”

I cried and begged him, withering and shivering in his embrace.
He chuckled and bite my pinna.

“Fine, for today, I will let you go.”

His hold went lose. But he suddenly again reached for my ear and whispered.

“But soon, we will meet again.”

And with that, he left me and walked out of the room. Air rushed back and hit my skin.
My legs turned jelly, and not finding any support, I fell on floor, trembling. Thinking about what he might do next I cried and screamed out loud.

Is he going to kill me? Does he wants some vital organs of mine? Or does he have some bad obsession over me? Or even worst, is he planning to sell me to sex traffickers?

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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