Chapter 10: The Failed Control

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“Ready for the punishment? For the disobedience you have showed.”

I persisted being silent. The energy in me evaporated minutes ago. The moment he chained me. May be for a particular reason, because I think, I know, anyhow he is going to have his way.
He sat by my side and held my hand in his’.

“Didn’t I warned you.?”

He grazed his veiny thumb on back of the palm. I exhaled, filled with my sobs. Still, I already made up my mind, not to beg him anymore. Even if he will kill me today, I will die with my fingers wrapped around my dignity.

“Not going to give me any response?”

He asked me. As if, so soon is done with my tantrums. We have just begun bastard.

“Fine. Don’t. At least tell me, why you went here?”

He threw another set of picture on my face. Where I was seen entering and leaving Gabriel’s office. My eyes enlarged looking at them.
What the fuck is wrong with this man?

“Enough. There is no more need to tell me. I was not wrong? You went there to get me caught.”

He let out a throaty laugh letting his head fall back. I squeeze closed my eyes. Sniffing and trying to control my tears.

“Has anyone ever caught a shadow?”

He ran his cold finger down my forehead, halting on my chin.

“Tell me?”

He bent his head towards mine. His body hovered over me. His lips grazed over my lips and his hand travelled back to nape of my neck. He clutched handful of my hairs and smiled against my lips.

“I love the tremble in you breath, they drive me crazy.”

I closed my eyes, collecting every ounce of courage in me to push this insolent man off me. But instead my concentration centralized on his minty breath, his tobacco and aquatic fragrance, his silk lace like whispers and his warm lips grazing over mine.

He placed his lips on mine, and kissed my upper and lower lip. Separating himself, he commanded me.

“Kiss me back.”

And again his lips landed on mine, as if they are his permanent peaceful home. I raised my hand to push him off. But instead, I clutched on his dark hooded sweatshirt and pulled him more closer.
For a second or so, his actions ceased. Because he actually never thought that I will follow his command.
Well, even I didn’t.
That motherfucker had audacity to smile against my lips. And we finally drowned in world of lust. What so ever reason one might think of, deprive of a proper sex life, attracted to this faceless man, or I have finally gone insane. But I want this moment in between us. Just anyhow.
Our lips moved in a defined sync, his above mine. His hand ran down my exposed back, flaring up thousands of Goose bumps on the way. It finally found my ass and he gave it a light squeeze.

“You are the tastiest flower.”

He panted, while his lips again found mine. He himself laid down on the floor and moved me above him. I spread myself above his body, and at the stretch, our lips never parted.
He hooked his fingers to my shorts and pulled them down to my knees.
At this stage his hardness rubbed against my mound, erupting volcanoes in my body causing lava to flow in every vein present there. An unwanted, unexpected moan vibrated from my throat.

“I am damn sure you must be already wet for me.”

He chuckled and his fingers found my core. It pulsated and begged for more.


He brought his fingers near my eyes, which were glistening with my juice. Taking his finger in his mouth, he again kissed me, and I tasted myself on his lips.

“Tell me sweetness. What do you wish for?”

His fingers danced near my core, pressing different pressure point.

“Tell me.”

He entered his one finger in me, causing my breath to become taut and tether.

“Beg me for it.”

He coaxed me. Moving his finger in me in a slow pace, with no hurry of this world.

“Beg me and let me know, who is in the command.”

He pressed the pad of his finger against my wall and immediately my shameless muscles clung around it.

“I know you want it.”

“Huh.. My vibrator does a better job.”

Although I was panting, although I wanted him to slam his hard member in me, although I wished him to fuck me like there is no tomorrow; but I hang myself with little dignity I had in me.
He snigger, as if I have attacked his ego with a sharp tool. And next second, he slammed his two fingers in me.

“Is it so? Than darling, we both will not sleep tonight until you have begged me enough.”

He rammed his finger in and out of me. I closed my eyes and rubbed myself against his boner.
Yes, like this. Keep doing it. My mind floated in other universe, while I felt myself a hairline away from my release. If he just a little more...
And it was gone. His finger in me was gone. His movements were gone. My inner felt empty and his finger came out with a pop.
I shot open my eyes, looking at him with my confused expressions.

“What? Disappointed?”

He reached between us and rubbed my clit, arousing the slept sensation for one more time. I again closed my eyes. Drowning more and more deep in the ocean of pleasure.

“It’s simple. Nothing is free in this world. Beg me and I will give it to you.”

“Who need your small fingers and lazy movements?”

Enjoying the sensation, I tried my best to insult him. Hurt his ego for one more time.

“Then may be, we both will stay here on the floor for the night, me playing with you.”

He whispered on my ears, before kissing and biting on them. He re entered his finger, but just up to his first knuckle. I wanted more. I wished for more.
I tried moving on my own, in the process making him enter more in me, but he held my waist, restricting my movements.
I bite my lips.
Is this necessary? He already knows I am wet for him. I have willingly kissed him. I have panted and moaned over his’ fingers movements.
I am fucking addicted to him and his fragrance.
And above all, I need to reach the end of the rope. I need a release.


I spoke a simple one word with difficulty.

“Beg darling, not request.”

He entered his finger.

“Please, I beg you.”

Throwing my shame and so called dignity out of window, I begged him.

“Please what?”

He entered one more finger, and stretched my inner wall using them both.

“Please, give it to me. Please, I beg you.”

I screamed at the top of the lungs and at once he flipped me, and came above me.
His fingers worked beautifully on my pussy while his thumb rubbed my clit.
I tightened my fingers, clutching and fisting his hoodie.


I moaned for him as I felt myself nearing. And he came near my ears.

“Come for me. Like never before.”

I let myself go, vibrating and flowing over his hand.
Moving down, he cleaned me using his tongue, in process arousing me and causing me to come for the second time in night.
He got up from me, and I was laying on the floor like some lifeless being there.
He threw a key in my direction and clinked as it fell by my side.

“It was a beautiful night. I loved it. Help yourself.”

I looked at his direction with my half open eyes, heaving chest and naked lower half. A smile played on his lips as if he loves the art he have painted in form of me.
Moments later he turned back and walked out of my house, like he owns it.

And realisation hit me

‘What have I done?’

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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