Chapter 7: Hiding Place

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I ran straight to my room and soon  click of his shoes followed close behind me. My heart raced in my ears. Opening the closet, I entered it, and hide myself behind a mirror wall.
Actually it was a mirror, that seemed to be one with the wall. But in actual, when we open it, can enter in it, hide oneself and see through the mirror.
I waited for him. I have taken a big risk entering this room. Because the amount of obsession he hold for me, he must have poked every corner of the house from the past five days.
But he found this camouflaged area or not, we will know that shortly. But what possibly I will do, one I get caught by him. I have even left my knife in kitchen.
My breath turned whizzy. It was too loud. He will easily catch me.
Placing my hand over my mouth, I sat on the floor of confined cabinet. My eyes never left the entrance.
Minutes passed but, I didn’t notice any movement, or anyone entering the closet in darkness. Yes, it was dark, but my eyes already adjusted to it. Enough for me to notice any movement in the area.
My fingers loosened around my lips, and at very same moment, someone appeared and stood in front of the mirror.
I flinched in sudden appearance. He came in front of me as if is some ghost. I squeezed my eyes closed and my fingers clasped my lips tightly.
He chuckled. Since he is aware of me to be here, its no use to hide my presence anymore. I shuffled through my purse to fish out my phone. Since I am about to get caught, I shall at least inform my friend and ask for their help.

“Will you come out on your own, or shall I help you?”

His dark deep velvety voice, brushed through my skin lightly, sending shivers down my spine. I trembled repeating mantra in my head.
‘He must be knowing from my breaths of where I am, but he must not be knowing where I am or how to enter this place.’
I still fumbled through my things to get hold of my damn phone with my shivering fingers. But before I can achieve that, I heard a click. Click of mirror unlocking. I closed my eyes and still not giving up, I stood up, waiting for him to open the mirror.
He opened it, and stood supporting his hand on the wall by his side.

“You chose me to open that for you.”

He took a step towards cabinet. And I like some scared deer, flinched in his little action.

“I did that.”

I clenched my fingers into a ball. I can do it.

“Now your turn to follow my every command.”

I looked directly where his supposed eyes must be. After looking at him for seconds, I dashed in the direction of door. But my bad luck was ridding my back, following me closely to push me in my worst situation possible.
He caught me by my waist and lifted me up in the air as if I am some rag doll. I threw my legs and dug my nails in his skin of his hand, for him to leave me.

“Leave me. Leave me you motherfucking bastard.”

I screamed and scratched his hands. He still didn’t let go me off. Rather his laugh echoed around the room. It seemed like he was enjoying his time. My cries were his source of amusement.

“Please. Please I beg you, leave me.”

I cried, as tears rolled down my cheeks. And finally he let my feet meet the floor. But my happiness was short lived. Soon he forced me to lie down on the floor, with his body hovering over mine. One of his hand was grasping my throat, cutting off my oxygen, while other held my right hand.
My left hand immediately went to his hand that was squeezing oxygen of my body.
In mere seconds, images flashed in front of my eyes. What have I done to deserve this? What wrong I did to trigger this man? Am I going to die like this? Is this my ending? What about my remaining dreams? What about my boutique? What about my own designing house?
No. I need to struggle. I can’t end my chapter here. I have walked a long way along to reach here, to be here. I can’t loose it now. When I am almost about to ride my peaks.
With my free hand, I delivered multiple punches where I attacked him using knife few moments ago. Though my punches was nothing in front of his built, but it did affected him. His breathing laboured and turned rough. I started to kick his back with my knee. I let my nails dug where blood was already oozing out. I twisted my fingers in his wound to double his pain and he growled like some injured animal.
Leaving my neck he went for my hand and held it to my side. I coughed and immediately filled my lungs with oxygen. It was that day, when I actually learnt the importance of oxygen.

“Do you carry a death wish?”

He growled in my face, and I closed my eyes, snuggling to get my hands free.

“Well let me give you something better than death.”

He passed his sinister smirk to me. The chuckle that will haunt me down in form of my nightmares.
His head travelled down and stopped at some particular place. Following trail of his possible sight, I looked down where it must be concentrated. And found this creepy man looking down on my legs.
Because of kicking, my skirt had ridden up, giving him a good show to watch on. I tried again to get my hands free, but his grasp was tight. I clenched my legs together, wishing this floor to yawn and swallow me up completely. But no such thing happened.
He turned back to me.

“You have got some smooth pair of leg.”

Fresh tears smeared side of my temple. A model, a show stopper, an anchor, an actress gets to hear more filthy things than this. Things where we have no control. Where we are least responsible for.
But we too have our limits. Being molested on the top of everything.
He ran his nose over my tear line and whispered.

“Don’t worry darling. I will have you slowly. Getting taste of every bit of you.”

He crossed his right leg over my body and sat on the top of my lower abdomen.
I cried, begging him.

“Please, don’t do this.”

“What have I done?”

He asked innocently, bringing his face down, near my ear.

“But yes, you will be responsible for whatever occurs now.”

I frowned, while he continued.

“Your first mistake, you provoked me.”

I struggled one more time to get myself free.

“And you second is, you are so fucking beautiful.”

He is mad. I concluded, as if my judgement matters in situation like this. But whoever he is, he had completely lost it.
His nose travelled my right cheek.

“And I am loosing every strand of patience I have in me.”

I felt something hard poking against my belly. I felt disgusted and food from evening I had with Serena, stirred in there.

“I beg you. Get off me.”

I breathed heavily. I am done with him. I want him out of my life. Now. He chuckled as if I have cracked joke of the century.

“Not so soon sweetest.”

His lips inched mine and I immediately turned my head to my left. Leaving my hand, and not before straddling it under his left leg, he held my chin.

“Please no.”

I whispered, I knew, I clearly knew what was coming.
Not listening to me, he turned my head to his side and held it stable.

“I beg y..”

I was not able to complete my sentence and his lips landed on mine. I closed my eyes giving up and at the same time praying for all this to get over soon.
Compared to his rough action, his kiss was totally opposite. His lips felt soft against mine, and his breath smelled that of beautiful flavour of mint and chocolate at the same time. I know it was no time to appreciate texture of kiss of my stalker, but even when I didn’t wished to, my mind ran to that turn.
He took his own sweet time, to chew my both lips, one by one. While his minty breath fanned me, he ran his finger behind my head, to lift me up slightly.
Clutching my hairs he tilted my head back, trying to probe his tongue in me. When I didn’t provided him with access, irritated he left my lips for me to breath gallons of oxygen.

“Open you mouth.”

I remained tight lipped, when eyes still remaining close.

“Sydney, I am asking you something.”

I still didn’t responded.

“Fine. You don’t like it when I am asking you nicely, right. It’s your call.”

His lips landed on my neck, and he bite and sucked nape of my neck.

“No. Leave me.”

I struggled like fish does without water. But nothing stood against him.
Rather his free hand travelled to my left boob and squeezed.

“Stop this. I am telling you for the last time stop this or..”

His hand went to the neck line of my top and soon room filed with the ripping sound of my cloth.


I cried out loud.

“No, no, no, no.. Please don’t. Please I beg you please.”

My begs went to the bin present in room and his mouth travelled down to my right breast after unclasping my bra.
His tongue played with my nipple running in circles around them and his teeth rolled it in between them. I would not lie, I did felt certain sensation. Being a girl, scarce of a good sex life, I did felt things down there. But that doesn’t mean I actually liked all this nonsense of his’. My tears didn’t stopped streaming down, squeezing every single drop from lacrimal gland. My struggles died, letting him do whatever he wished to. Air around us filled with my continuous sobs.
Only when he was done, he raised his body up from my. Covering my chest with the torn hanging portion of my top, he whispered.

“You should have behaved.”

I didn’t turned to him. Now what? You wanna kill me? Come ‘on! Do that and end this chapter.

“Things would have not gone this far.”

Saying his part, he stood up leaving me laying on the floor and walked out of the room, and soon his shoes click died and disappeared.

Only after he was gone, my body vibrated with my loud cries. I turned to my left and brought my knees near my chest, stuffing my head in space, I cried my eyes out.
I don’t know, how long I laid there crying, but as soon as I came out of my sorrow, I made up my mind. I need help. I will catch that bastard.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. I am sorry but this is the most bitchy male lead I have ever written. :D

Thank you,
Your author,,

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