Chapter 5: Intoxication

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I twirled the wine glass in my hand. My mind went back to the time, when she withered in my vary own hand.
The way her soft skin felt under my palm, the way her breathing escalated, the way she begged me. It played in my mind like some broken record. Again and again. I kept on remembering how sensitive she is.
My drug, taking over my mind. Getting me under her control, as if is bewitching me.

Earlier, I was just intended to greet her, yeah but in dark. Just to meet her, I tempered the surveillance camera, also cut the electric connection for minutes. Everything was computed, but I reached late at the venue. Because of some idiot, I had to run back to my company, set everything accordingly and by the time I returned, show was already over.
I went straight to where her dressing room is. Just before the lights went off, I peeped in from the ajar open door. What I saw next, took my breath away. She had already unzipped her dress, letting it go loose and fall around her. Her back was open, exposed for me to have a good look of.
How could you be this careless sweetheart, with a hunter is hovering over your head? Changing clothes in an unlocked room? Are we serious here?

Sorry, not that sorry to say, but it was a chance for me that I can grasp with all my heart. Happily.
As soon as the lights went off, I entered her room. And here my sensitive bunny sensed me. Instantly her breathing shot up, touching the sky and she stilled. I grazed my finger over her warm, smooth skin. It felt like brushing my finger on some royal silk.
I looked down at my fingers, I still cant get over the texture of her body. I closed my eyes and my ears filled with her rough breath.

I need her.
At this very instance. Driving back, I went to her home. Which was still dark, also her car was no where to be seen.
She is not home yet? Isn’t it eleven at night? Where she might be this late?
I entered her house, which was again a piece of cake for me. My shoes clicked against the floor of  hall of empty house. She had minimal furniture but looking at them and interior design, it felt like I have entered some historical museum. Where historical artefacts are stored and exhibited. Her taste is quite, mm.. one can say unique. And absolutely my opposite.
Going in kitchen, I found another area covered with unique, antique items and utensils. If I get these sets of crockery for my house, my careless staff would turn set of six pieces to hundreds. Half of my money will flow away in buying new items every next day.
I open a shelf, where quite aged wine were arranged orderly. Taking one bottle off the cabinet, I opened the crock and sat on kitchen platform, taking sips from it. I waited for her, but she didn’t returned. Slowly and steadily, the intoxication of wine started to take over my body. The longer I wait for her, the more I turned anxious.
I took a short walk to explore her other rooms. Opening on of the doors, I found it filled with junk items. That must be store room of the house. Next I turned up to the door on my right and opening it, I found many unfinished clothing and accessories designs. I knew she do own a boutique shop, but what I was not aware of was, her passion for the same to be to this level. Many sketches scattered over the working table, many completed beautiful works hanging on the hangers of open cabinet, many unstitched incomplete fabric hanging over different areas of room.
Well, you cant gain knowledge regarding a person in a single go by doing some search. Certain things you get to know about them by intruding their lives and observing them.
I closed the door and walked to yet another one. Opening it, I found her bedroom. Entering it, I took in the things around me. The room again was filled with another set of antique bed, coffee table and dressing mirror. This girl has some serious issues or some connection with monarch era. She and her collections. Yet, I like it. I am dying to know more and more about her.
I walked in to her closet, filled with her different pairs of beautiful dresses, classy along with stylish watches, high end perfumes, latest Chanel bags.
One thing was for sure, she is living her life to the fullest and in the most perfect way possible.
Opening a drawer, I found it filled with lingerie, that must be used by her. My eyes zeroed to them but, before I turn more creepy with my action and loose my already insane mind, I closed it immediately.
No, I am not a lowly life, where I will get hard over undies of a girl. But ironically, I am.
Exhaling, I walked out of her closet and sat on her bed. I need to divert my dirty mind.
I need to know where she is? She should not be this late.
I opened an app, that showed where location of certain person. Sydney. Sydney is that person.
I hacked her phone so whenever it is on, I can easily track her whereabouts.
And the place it showed was Gavin’s penthouse. My blood pressure ridding my anger shot up. What is she doing there this late at night? Has she forgotten the basic knowledge of logic?
I waited for her, but she didn’t turned up. All day long constant work, wearing me off physically as well as mentally, I got tired up. Sitting on her bed, when sleep took over my conscious mind, I didn’t even realized.
When next morning I woke up, she still didn’t returned and was still at Gavin’s place. Doing some search and after some enquiries, I came to know that she got so much afraid after I was out of her room, that she screamed and cried out loudly. Her cries got even Gavin involved, and he personally looked for me. She was literally trembling out of fear.
At time of this disastrous moment, her friend came forward as her saviour, Serena. And she took Sydney in, to Gavin’s penthouse.
I mean, I am glad that I have left some unshakable prints on her but, why? When I stood out of her house, inhaling one cigarette after another and turning it into ashes, she didn’t had any problem. Than why now? I took her to be more brave and feisty than she acted.
And cherry on the cake, she went straight to Gavin’s home. She should have not accepted any other man’s help.
Days went by, and she didn’t returned. I always went in and came out of her empty house, treating it as if some garden, but she didn’t left Gavin’s home. That’s the place where I cant make her sense my presence.
After five days, I was in Sydney’s kitchen, sipping in my favourite wine which again belonged to her, when I noticed some movements of her tracker. She is moving back home.
I smiled. Soon she was near. And moments later, she entered the boundary.
Chuckling I again took a sip from the bottle, she herself is walking to the trap. She too don’t know, what’s waiting for her at her home.
I begun with countdown.

And front door shot open, and even heavy dark house turned feather light for me. This effect her mere presence has on me.
Turning back, I let my back rest against the kitchen’s platform. Sensing some movement in kitchen, her footsteps echoed and came closer with each moving step.
She entered kitchen and her gift was standing right in front of her. Me.
The astonished look on her face, as if she is more shocked than being afraid, gave me a weird satisfaction. And yes Sydney can take it in way of punishment. She kept looking at me as if she have seen some ghost occupying her beautiful doll house.
Her fright and flight mode got activated only after she realized that she is just at a hand distance from her stalker.
Turning back she ran but even before she could cross the door, I caught her in my paws.
I crushed her figure in between my strong arms, turning it more and more difficult for her to breath. Because of both, my arms knocking oxygen out of her lungs and my close proximity. Her breathing turned rough and she trembled under me.
I sniffed in the sweet fragrance of hers, placing my lips on the length of her long neck.

“Where were you?”

She struggled to set herself free, but she didn’t begged me to leave her, like she did last time.


I pronounced every damn word separately, emerging it from between my grinding teeth. She didn’t understood the weight of her action.

“Why did you passed five nights at other man’s place?”

She silenced. Her struggles died. Her breathing escalated as words penetrated her skull. That she is under some serious trouble if I am tracking her movements and it no coincidence.

“Don’t ever get close to any other man. Ever. Am I clear?”

I pressed my nose against her cheeks, and whispered on her ears.
She remained unmoved. She stilled in my arms before her sweet sweet voice hit my ears.

“Since you know this much about me, you must be well aware of the relation I have with Gavin.”

I listened to her end of statement silently.

“So, what if I actually gets involved with some other man?”

A smirk curled the ends of my lips up. My rabbit has matured. She is no longer afraid of me, rather she is challenging me, like a feisty little cat.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. Do leave your reviews.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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