Chapter 23: Not An Actual Confession

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He didn’t returned for the night

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He didn’t returned for the night. Still in my wedding dress, i sat by foot of the bed, waiting for him to return. But he didn’t.
Peeping out of the window, I found birds already singing a new morning song and sunrays filtered through the curtain.
Raising my heavy body up from the floor, I walked to the mirror one with wall, to get the glimpse of my worst form ever.
I was looking like some homeless shabby girl in a wedding gown.
I groaned and walked in the washroom, after discarding my clothes.
After coming out, I had my breakfast and sat in front of TV, trying to find something good to watch. But was I able to?
No. Definitely not.
All because of that man. I hate him. My mind kept drifting back to him. But again because of my stubborn heart, I cant give him what he wants.
But again, if he loves me, he could have waited for me. And not storm out of the house like a mad man.
I spent my day in the house, doing useless stuffs like watching Netflix, munching sky high calories snacks and sitting by the window, looking out for my husband to return.
Taking my eyes off the screen, I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, showcasing eleven at night. And Gabriel is still not back. Will he come or not?
Just the moment, a heavy knock got me stare in the direction of door. I looked at it all confused.
Who this might be? This late?
I walked near the door, and stood there for a good minute before another earth shattering knock landed on the door.
Peeping out from the peephole, I found Gabriel staggering, finding it difficult to even stand properly.
Heavens! What happened to him? Why is he in this state? Is he heavily intoxicated?
At once I opened the door wide for him.


I exclaimed and before I could do anything, he grabbed my neck, enclosing his fingers around it, may break it easily like a twig. Pushing me, he caused my body to collide with the wall standing like a tower behind me and his body collapsed over mine.

“What the hell..”

Before I could complete myself, he engulfed me in a lasting, deep kiss; sucking breath out of my lungs. He bit my lower lips, causing whimpers to escape from my throat.
I placed my palm on his chest, trying with every ounce of strength in me to separate us, his warm lips from me. But no! All my tries went in vain. He is much more stronger than I am.
Facing to my left, I avoided his lips on me.

“Calm down, we can take it slowly.”

I tried talking things out with him. But he didn’t listened to me. Placing his thumb on the angle of my jaw, he lifted my face.

“Listen to me Gabriel.”

I once again tried pushing him off of me, but he was too busy to drown in my neck, trying to locate my every single weak spots.

“If I had any idea that you would fall for my that form, I would have never shadowed you.”

He mumbled against my skin and I stilled. A thunder stricken me. What.. what on the earth does that mean?
My hand fell from his body and I stared at the blank vacancy.

‘What does that mean? Shadowed me?’

Suddenly he left me and held my hand, dragging my almost lifeless, confused self to the living area and threw my body on the couch present in room.

“Then why not to commit a new sin?”

I looked back at him with my enlarged eyes and already a smile was plastered on his face.
What sin is going to commit?
His long fingers worked on button of his shirt, undoing half of it, he exposed his perfectly sculpted chest. Next he went for button securing his pant and undid it with one hand and approached me, brushing my cheeks with his fingers.

“You wont do anything like that.”

I shook my head in denial, and he bent himself enough to reach my ear to whisper.

“It’s not like I will be crossing my lines for the first time darling. But yes, in past I retrained myself but you wont be luck tonight.”

He kissed my pinna and my mind went back to the time when I and the man who stalked me were in my dressing room. There he almost had me.
Is that true? Is Gabriel really the man who shadowed me?

“That cant be true.”

I peeped in his eyes only to find floating madness and obsession. Well that must be true.

“Why not darling? Didn’t you recognized me? Me, my touches..”

He brushed his fingers on my hand sending millions of shots directly on my spine.

“.. my whisper..”

His hot breath fell on my ear and cheeks, throwing splashes of scarlet flower.
Yes, it’s the same voice I heard in my vanity room in Modanista.
No Lord! Please no. This cant happen. They cant be the same man.

“..and my madness to have you for myself.”

Last statement he spoke with his clenched jaw. As if is restraining his wild beast.
With blood shooting eyes and tears resting on the brim, I looked at him.

“Yes sugar, I am the man you fell in love with, the man you are attracted to.”

I let the tears fell and leave its trail, smearing my cheeks.
With a smile, and showcasing his perfectly aligned teeth, he continued.

“And to the man you ran to, to protect yourself.”



He whispered. Now when I have got the possible connection between them, I feel his voice burning my ears.
He let his body fall on me but on the exact same time, I rolled to the other side and stood up from the couch. But he got hold of my hand and tugged it causing me to fall on him.

“Leaving me? Why? Am I not the man you wanted. You were desperate to meet? You were begging not to leave?”

Past few months again paid me a visit like a flash.

“Why would you do anything like that?”

I sobbed. I cannot hold it anymore.

“You are not happy with the revelation. Are you not happy seeing the man you love?”

His eyes remained trained to my lips. And this vary action disgusted me to my core. Does he really loves me the way he claims?

“I never loved a liar. A deceiver like you.”

I screamed on his face to knock some sense to this drunk fish. But in actual, he was not confessing, rather he was blabbering in his drunk state.
Even now, this shameless ass didn’t came accepting his mistakes. Does he even knows he did something wrong?

“You know what you did wrong?”

With a small voice, I asked him. I am no believer, but was silently praying him to say yes.

“No darling. I did nothing wrong.”

I didn’t spoke a word, I wanted him to continue. I wanted him to finally expose his true impossible colours.

“It was so fun to play duel personalities with you.”

His laugh roared around us. And my brain went to a single direction thought, ‘how can a man be this low.’
His clutch around my waist went loose and I lifted myself. Slowly his laugh dissolved and he went in deep slumber, leaving me in distasteful state.
No, this cant be true. He can never do such things. And above all, for fun. Never.
He must have got all these information from the actual shadower. Because he held him captive and didn’t got the right guy in front of me.
This all must b an extracted information and nothing more. And this all because he wanted my attention, he wished I loved him. Just because of that he is fabricating these stories.
I was about to walk off towards my room when a thought crossed my mind.
If he is my shadower, he must be having that scar.
Yes. I can check it.
With long steps I approached him and with a single shot, I tear open his shirt, breaking off all the buttons present in it.
Ant there it was. A small, slant scare sat on his chest, looked like it have been quite a time and is now under healing.
It was on the same place where I stabbed my shadower in the kitchen.
I staggered back. My mind taunted me to give a new reason to deny Gabriel as my shadower.
But I was not able to. I was scarce of reasons. Because a big evidence layed in front of me.
Yes, it’s confirmed.
Gabriel and my shadower are the same person. This is why, he was not present the night my shadower visited me. Or whenever I felt as if an eye being on me, Gabriel would call me and distract, so that he can escape the sight and not get caught.
Now every piece of jigsaw, fell on it’s correct place, coinciding with it’s counterpart.
I felt like a fool. I was running behind an actual shadow. A man who never existed. Or one may say behind the man who was in front of me  this whole time.
And cherry on the cake, I married him.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. I sympathize Sydney. She did nothing wrong but became pawn of Gabriel’s stupid game. Well and about his feelings deserves to be hanged on rake. Because he did wrong to the girl whom he loved. This is not love. Nothing more than madness.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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