Chapter 19: Blown Cover

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My father poured some more wine in Gabriel’s glass and they tinkled their respective glasses and resumed back to their discussion on declining economy

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My father poured some more wine in Gabriel’s glass and they tinkled their respective glasses and resumed back to their discussion on declining economy.

After Gabriel have shown me his almost near to wrecking family, it was my turn to arrange meeting between my parents and him.
And guess what, although I told them as a quick notice of my marriage, without a single trace of any man in my life, they accepted him. Especially my father, turned quite comfortable with him, although its first time they are meeting.
After dinner, where they had brief intro of each other, Gabriel and dad sat by the counter, pouring wine to each other.

I looked at them, this is bad, if Gabriel gets drunk, I will have to drop him.
I took a sip from my camomile tea, sitting on the dinning table with my mum.


I looked at my mum, with curious eyes.

“You sure are marrying Gabriel out of love.”

I smiled, and tried to camouflage my expressions. But has this ever happened, where a being is able to hide things from their mother.
One word answer- no.
And same will occur with me.

“Yes mum. Why are you asking such questions?”

She peeped in my soul, beyond my green stones, same as her’s.
She covered my palm with her warm one’s.

“Sweetheart, you don’t love him. Right?”

I kept looking at my mother contemplated. Mother’s love is majestic. She knows, what is going on in your heart.

“Mum, actually..”

“.. actually, you love someone else.”

My heart raced, beating against the ribcage and my mother took sip from her cup. As if she is not showing me reflection of the state of my heart, rather is discussing today’s weather.

“No.. I..”

“Why are you doing this darling? Why are you marrying him if not for love?”

A frown finally ran in between her brows, which became prominent with every passing millisecond.
She is worried for me. I never wanted this thing. Not in this way.

“Mum. Please.”

I was lost for words. I didn’t knew how to explain it to her. This, our complicated situation.

“The man I love, doesn’t wants to be with me.”

I concluded, and my mum’s worries sublimated in form of pity. She is thinking, I had a heart break. Well, I did had. I don’t even know, who broke my heart.

“But Gabriel..”

“He loves you. That I can see in his eyes.”

She completed me.

“But truth to be told, I have seen something more than love. Beyond love. Something like..”

“Mum. He does love me. More than any man will.”

I looked at his direction, only to find his eyes already on me, burning me. His intense gaze brushed me like a thin air surrounding me, before he turned back to dad.

“If you ever felt anything is not going according to your will, you may always contact us.”

I looked at mum, and passed her an assuring smile.

‘I will try my best mum.’

“And I am not saying this because I want to interfere with your life or anything. Just as your parent.”

“I know. I know mum.”

I nodded.
Lord! How much I wish this conversation to get over.
My mum again opened her mouth to say something, looking at Gabriel’s direction. Of course, she is not done yet.

“Anyways, Gabriel is a good man. He is successful, handsome, classy British man.”

I again looked at him, but this time, his perfect biceps and chiselled body stared back at me, from beneath the thin shirt he had on. The thin shirt that was clinging to his body as second layer of his skin and giving me a perfect show.

‘No doubt, I am hell down attracted to this man.’

I gulped down in my thought.

After dinner and their endless discussions, I and Gabriel were intended to leave. But my father insisted us to stay for the night, because Gabriel was drunk.
I walked in my room, actually my old room and Gabriel closely followed me behind.

“Why are here?”

My irritation surfaced up. He tried best to balance himself on his own legs.
I am done with his constant touch and flirts.

‘Imagine, what he will do to you after the wedding?’

Satan sitting on my left shoulder whispered to me.
No. I gotta hold this. We cant go like this.

Instead of answering me, he begin to remove his shirt, with a smile played on his lips.

“Gabriel, behave yourself.”

I folded my arms and stood straight.


Dropping his shirt on the floor, he opened his arms, acting as if he doesn’t know anything.


My tone raised, but he cut me in between.

“I am going to take shower.”

And with that, he proceeded towards the washroom.

“And I know how hungrily you were staring at me.”

He spoke with his back towards me, and closed the door behind him.
I slumped on the bed. Why mum and dad have to ask us to be their guest? Why the hell Gabriel got drunk? Why the fuck I fell for him? If not for him, I would have been enjoying my this time. The phase which changes a girl’s life forever.

I changed to tank top and shorts, and prepared my bed on chesterfield present in the room.

The shower stopped and I, like an energetic bunny, jumped on my bed prepared for the night.
I wanted to sleep even before he comes out, I am not ready for another argument or his behaviour. But, lately my luck is testing my patience.
He came out even before I was able to settle myself and his heavy voice thundered around me.


I looked back at him, with guilt enshrouding my face.

“What’s that?”

I followed his finger and he pointed to the chesterfield.

“That’s my bed. You can use the main one for night.”

I walked back to the mirror, to do my night skincare routine, which slipped my mind earlier. He followed me.

“Cant you share the bed for night?”

I stared at him through the mirror, as if he have mentioned some taboo.

“It’s not compulsory for two person sharing bed to have sex.”

I applied toner on my face while speaking.

“Well, I am not that comfortable sharing bed with anyone. It’s difficult for me to leave house, let alone adjust with other being.”

He kept looking at me. He didn’t spoke for some moments.

“Sydney, how many more excuses are you going to give in order to stay away from me?”

I looked back at him and our eyes locked. I was not able to answer him. How could I?

“What will you do after marriage? Even then  you will decline me?”

I turned back to him, staring down at him. Why is he so persistent?

“We will see what can be done then.”

I gave him a simple answer and proceeded towards my bed.
But out of nowhere, Gabriel held my hand and pull me towards him, closing the space in between us.
His wine rich breath fanned my face, and I closed my eyes.
I saw this coming. How much desperate Gabriel is to begin with, I knew this would occur today or some other day. He will have me. With my consent or if not then forcefully. But he will.

I closed my eyes, but nothing came for a good minute or so.

“Open your eyes Sydney.”

Gabriel instructed me, and I opened my eyes to meet his ocean calm blue eyes.
Calmness before the storm.
He inclined his head, bringing his lips close enough to mine. He brushed them against mine, while whispering.

“Sydney, can’t you give me an ounce of love?”

His words astonished me beyond my imagination.

“Cant I have even a part of it? Just a little part darling?”

He knows.
He know it clearly, that I have fallen for my shadower.

Heyy lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. Let me know in the comment section, what you think of this chapter.

Thank you,,
Your author,

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