Chapter 24: Confusion

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The heavy sound of grinder pulled me out of my dreamland

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The heavy sound of grinder pulled me out of my dreamland. With one eye still closed and other open, I looked at my surrounding only to find in a familiar place, in my wife’s bedroom.
I was lying lifelessly on Sydney’s bed, with button of my pants undone and my shirt no where to be found.
Basically, I was lying half naked which indirectly mean that I did had a brief interaction with my better half, in the state of intoxication. Which is not a good sign.
My heart leaped. Did I misbehaved with her last night. I surely didn’t forced myself on her? Right?
I pressed hard on every corner of my brain but did it helped?
Brain is the most treacherous part of our body. It leaves us enveloped in the prickly blanket of blur memories, that too when you need it the most.
I know, I desired her like a mad man. I wanted to fuck her brains out. I wished to tie her down to my bed and have my ways.
But not without her consent.
There were times when I thought I almost have lost my control in her hands. When she is in front of me I turn incapable to differentiate between right and wrong.
Even in past when I shadowed her, I almost let my feral free and eat her alive.
But I know, whenever I will be back to my senses, I will regret my actions.
I already had messed up with her, and I am paying for my deeds till date. Cause I know, I can see attraction for me in her eye. But at the same time, I can also find the love in her eyes for the man who stalked her, who is again me.
I cant afford to tangle our relationship any further.
So, basically I don’t think I would do any such thing. I know when to retrieve my beast back.
But worst.
I looked at the tall mirror at the front of me. Did I..


My voice sounded harsh to myself.
No, she can never know who her lover, hidden in shadows was. If by any chance she finds that out, I will loose her forever.
I ran my fingers through my already ruffled hairs.
Answers to my question can be only found by the person who was sober between the two.


I rose my heavy body up from the bed and made a short march in little steps to the door of the kitchen.
Either possibilities, how will I face her?

I stood by the door, looking at back of my wife, with her long red curls hiding her exposed back from my sinful eyes. She wore a sundress, barely reaching her thighs and testing my patience.
Well, believe me darling, I don’t have an ounce of that in me. God made me that way. A devil in skin of human.
I stepped in, running my fingers through the back of my neck, but even before I could make her aware of my presence, she straightened. As if she already know I am behind her.
She always does. I smirked at her old oldest habit.
I cleared my throat and she finally turned to look at me. Her deep green eyes tempting me to drown myself in them were different from what they used to be.
Earlier whenever she looked at me, she looked confused. Confused for whom to chose and whom to leave.
But today, they were different. The fog of confusion has cleared and shone like a precious expensive stone.
My heart skipped a beat.
Did I confes....
But before my thoughts can run more wild, she approached me and creeped her hands on my shoulder.
A deep frown embarked itself in between my brows. And to deepen that, she tiptoed and placed a soft kiss on my left cheek.
I looked at her as if she have stolen my ancestors old diamond necklace. What the hell is wrong with her?

“Good morning honey.”

She chirped and I still remained unmoved. I don’t get this. What all this nonsense is?
Like a little bunny, she stood back straight and turned back to run to the kitchen counter.
But before she can do that, I held her hand and swirled her ninety degrees in the air to face me.

“What this nonsense is Sydney?”


She acted innocent. I loved the look on her face, pulling my reins more in to eat her alive. Savour every last drop of her blood.

“Why are you giving me hopes?”

I travelled my hand up, grazing her fingers, wrist hand and shoulder, feeling the smoothest texture of the silken skin. Finally reaching for her slender neck, I wrapped my fingers around the thin twig. Not tight enough, so as to let her breath but enough to tell her, who is in authority here between the two.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

The look in her eyes changed. And it was obviously not love. Not even scrapes of that she had in them. But confidence peeped through them, which she actually tried to hide.

“I am doing nothing. I told you earlier, I want us to give this relationship a chance. And I want to give my complete self to us.”

I still looked at her with suspicions floating in my eyes. Which she read easily.

“Earlier, the things I said were mere blank words. But now, I mean this. I want to be a good wife to you.”

My eyes travelled down from her eyes to her lush lips, that demanded my attention. That wanted me to suck them dry. That were begging me to bite life out of it.
And immediately flashes of a image projected itself in front of me.
Where I slammed my lips on her, holding her against the wall, towering her body.
I looked back at her. If I did that, how can she be so calm? She should be throwing fits.
There are two possibilities.
Either, I told her the truth, which fears me if I really did that. Or she wants to get close to me and get her way to her fucked up shadower, which again boils my blood.

“Is it so?”

She panicked. She sniffed the doubt arising within me. She immediately added.

“Yes. I.. I really wish to make a family with you. I want us to be happy. And you already know I am attracted to you. I wish you to make me fall in love with you.”

My concentration went back to
Her lip and in anticipation,  she immediately took her lower lip in between her teeth which I was dying to chew.
She knows really well, how to tempt me.
If she really want to fall for me, then why not test her? We will be clear, if she really want us to happen or if she is playing games.
And believe me, if she is playing a shit game than I am master of games. She should never test me.
I lowered my head to capture these sinners, but before I could have done that, she retrieved herself.

“And I have a request from you.”

My little bunny has turned to a liar. But a poor one.

“Anything for you darling.”

My voice came out more hoarse than I thought. Or one can say dripping in the honey of lust.

“I want us to shift to your mansion.”

I raised an eyebrow. I am damn sure, I didn’t confessed to her but she does wants to get near her shadower. Darling, anyone in this world have ever succeeded in catching a shadow?
Smirking, I ran tip of my tongue from the edge of right canine to the left. You really wish to enter lion’s den?

“Then what about your agoraphobia?”

I questioned her, clutching her waist and nearing her more to me. She should know what it means to live in Lucifer’s kingdom with the ruler of hell himself.

“I will adjust.”

She spoke with her held breath. I rubbed my already awake buddy against her.

“Today or tomorrow.. I will have to move with you.”

She moaned beautifully, that sounded like the most melodious song to my ears. Loosing my clutched control, I dipped my head in the corner of her neck.
I kissed the smooth skin before licking and biting it with intention to draw her blood dry.

“Gabriel, not now.”


I asked against her skin, getting back to my action.

“Not the first thing in the morning.”

She tried pushing me, at the same time longing for me. I know sweetness, what reactions I can erupt from your deepest core. And how your innocent heart doesn’t give approval to these sins of yours.

“Experience it once homey, you will long for it.”

I groped on her full ass and squeezed it hard.

“No. We should take it slow.”

She pushed me with a last hard jerk, setting herself free. But tell me sugar, how long? How long will you protect yourself from me? From the vary person who stalked you.
She walked back to the counter, looking down at the ingredients spread across it, trying to pull herself out of the mess her mind is in.
Finally reaching for the knife, she got back in cutting onions for God knows, what witch drink she is preparing for me.
I again walked close to her, like she has some magnetic field around her. Slipping my arms and holding her securely, I placed my chin on her shoulder and morning wood in between her ass cheeks.

“What are you cooking?”

“Breakfast for you.”

“Like a good wife?”

I moved her red curls to the front and placed kiss on the her axis.

“Like a good pursuer.”

I liked her answer. All the effort she is putting in this. Just to get near me. Just to get what she wishes for.
My arms around her tightened even further.

“And why am I shirtless?”

She paused. Even I was not able to set logic behind this. Either I shredded my shirt or she did. But why would either of us do that?

“If you wish that badly to see me shirtless,  you  can ask me anytime. Never hesitate. I am all yours.”

She still didn’t responded.

“Even in stark daylight, I will shed every last piece of cloth in me.”

For the last part I whispered it in her ears and finally after a good minute she spoke in low voice.

“I should arrange the table.”

Freeing herself, she walked out and I looked at her back and perfectly swaying hips.
Save yourself my bunny. But soon you will walk in my den with your own two legs.
From that day, I will savour you. I will have you slowly and completely, not leaving any crumbs.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope you all liked the update. Please, do let me know in the comment section.
Through this chapter, I tried to give the real insight of Gabriel’s actual nature.

Thank you,,
Your author,

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