Chapter 6: My Source Of Distress

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As soon as my shadower left my dressing room, I fell on the floor, not finding any support to hold my limp body. I cried out loud, closing my eyes, I screamed with everything I got. Immediately door shot open and people around the room I was in, gathered.
By the time news travelled to Gavin’s ears, electricity returned.

“What’s wrong Sydney?”

I was crying and soon I felt lack of oxygen in my system. I was loosing my shits. That’s when Gavin gave my arms a light shake to bring my distraught mind back to the room.
I looked at him, and soon fresh tears blurred my vision. I don’t know, for some reason, looking at him brought that uneventful experience back in front of my eyes. May be because my shaken mental health would be the biggest problem for Gavin.


I sobbed, while tried my best to fill my lungs with fresh oxygen, to keep myself on track.


The frown in between his brows deepened, as if, would take a permanent place over his forehead.

“Gavin someone came in my room. He..”

I again sobbed and Gavin was already dialling numbers on his phone.

“Yes, check surveillance footage. I want to know who else entered Sydney’s room, after she did.”

Hanging up the call he dialled yet another number.

“Close all the exists, I don’t want even a bird to pass the gates.”

He stood up from his sitting position and dialled another number. But this time, his voice that would send shiver to wash over one’s body turned extremely soft and delicate. As if is talking to some rose bud.

“Hey sweetheart. Can you please come to Modanista?”

He dialled Serena. He never got Serena involved in his hectic work, specially on her days off. But today he did, Serena who is my closest friend and also Gavin’s girlfriend, he is calling her here and most probably to support me. To take care of me.
My luck shining brighter, to get such a superior. To work under such an employer.
In no time, Serena came and at once she appeared in front of me. By the time she came, my uncontrollable emotions were quite silent and I was already sitting on the chair on my room. Meanwhile, Gavin searched for every nook and corner for an unexpected intruder.
But Alas! Other than invited guests and known staffs, no one was there who was out of order, or a person whom I can put a finger on.


Serena exclaimed as soon as she saw me condition, as if my ship has wrecked and cracked.

“Serena, I..”

I sobbed looking at her. And soon my sobs turned to a fully fledged loud cries. But point to be noted here was, Serena cried to along with me.
Looking at girls crying their eyes out, Gavin sighed.

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