Chapter 1: Glimpse

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“So what information you have about him?”
His deep blue eyes burned on me

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“So what information you have about him?”

His deep blue eyes burned on me. His obsession over his girlfriend was screaming to me, that he can burn this world for her.

“Gavin, aren’t you forgetting the pattern?”

I took a sip of whiskey in my glass, that burned down it’s way. Whereas he, clenched his jaw.
Okay, what wrong did I do? I was just helping him to recall how things work in between us.
Give me money and I will give you information you want to dig. I can’t let go even Gavin in this game of mine. Even though he is my oldest, well friend? What so ever fuck he is, money is must. I know what they call me behind my back. ‘mad for money.’
Well, I am. I am not ashamed to accept it that I am mad for my money. Why would I? I got your job done. I want what belongs to me now.

Growling like an injured artic fox, he transferred me the money. Almost burying his phone on my face, he spoke again.

“Done. Now speak and I want every single information.”

Smiling I gave a twirl to my glass and spoke up all the information he asked for. Handling him with all the required documents, where he can destroy his other opponent, I was about to walk off.


I looked back at him and passed him a look saying ‘Don’t expect anything more than this from me.’

He rolled his eyes, deciphering my looks and growled for the second time in the evening.

“Of course I will pay you your fucking money.”

Curve on my face widened and formed a whole arc. Now we are doing some talking.


I turned back to the corner we were standing at.

“I will be in need of army of your men.”

Smirking I took a sip of my drink.

“Why? Soon will be off for a war?”


I looked back at him. Is he for real. A throaty laugh emerged from down my throat.

“With whom?”

“Of course Archie.”

He looked past me at his girlfriend,  Serena, and took a large puff of smoke.

“Later on, we will reach that page of book.”

How can someone be so mad for a girl. What will she give you? Taking another puff he looked back at me.

“Why not to be prepared from now for the big day.”

I smirked.

“No problem. You will have them. But,”

I paused and turned back to look at Serena.

“What’s so special about her? She looks fine.”

Furrow in between his brows deepen. I know if any other man would have asked about his girl, he would have ripped that mouth off the face.

“She is.”

He spoke in a threatening low voice.

“ my eyes, she is most beautiful.”

He walked off thumping his feet near his girlfriend.
A smile drew out of me, curving the ends of my lips, looking at his bratty reaction. Bringing the brim of glass near my lips, I had a sip, that was when a heard a laughter.
To be exact not even a laughter it was. Something else, giggle, a cheery one. Tearing through the crowd, it hit my ears. And of course it felt like a burst of spring in the snow.
I turned my head, looking for the source of my muse. That’s when I found a beautiful butterfly, with curly silky waist length brunette hairs, petite figure and porcelain white skin. Sophistication and perfection was screaming from her silhouette. Immediately my hand itched, wanted to know how it would feel to be on her narrow waist.
I scrutinized down on her soul, my gaze burning on her. And like some little bird, she immediately got conscious of someone’s stare on her. Her soft beautiful tan eyes, that shined with the mystery and beauty searched for her frenzied shadow.
I wanted our eyes to meet. I wished so. But before they could, someone with a headphone and a mic attached to his head came in view. Must be some authority from the event, asking her presence. Because immediately after he whispered something on her ears, saying goodbye to whoever she was chatting with, disappeared back stage.
My legs wanted me to carry to where she disappeared to. But not now. Not so soon.
I don’t wish for her to turn in to my obsession.
A game, that never gets old. And where, I will never get tired of her.

Hey my lovely readers,

I wish you all to be fine.
I hope you all liked how this is going and how it started. Many more things to come.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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