Chapter 17: Comfort

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He took his heavy, stealthy steps towards me, while I took my hurried steps back, until calf of my leg hit against the side table.
Meanwhile, he neared me, and stood up cornering me, in front of me like a mountain.
I looked up at him, his blue beautiful holding the depth of ocean eyes, dripping with someone may say hunger.
Yes, hunger.
For me?
Of course.

And when I looked beyond his hunger, his desires; I found something which shook my pillars.
He looked at me like some hunter looks at his pray.
And I felt similar fear, same vibrations, I felt around my shadower.
His burning gaze drilled holes over my body.

“Gabriel, you are extremely close.”

I put my hand on his stone hard chest, but was I able to budge him?
Absolutely no.
He remained rooted to his spot and his gaze still glued to me.

“I know.”

He whispered back to me. But immediately, he bent down, almost getting to my height.
I don’t know why, I felt like a fool for what I did next. I should have not but, I didn’t had any control over myself.
I closed my eyes. But nothing came my way.
Soon I heard Gabriel’s voice.

“Waiting for something, darling?”

Opening my eyes, I found him standing beside his table, pouring wine in one of the glasses.
Okay, he bent down not to kiss me, but to pick the wine jug up.
What a fool am I?
Why would I close my eyes?
This is so embarrassing.
He must be thinking me to be super, super desperate.
Well, I am not.
Okay slightly I may be but, not that.

“Please have a seat.”

My train of thoughts broke listening to him.
Yes, I should before this turn anymore awkward.
I headed towards the seat opposite to his executive chair. But before ensconcing myself, I looked back at his chair.
This is where he sit at night, and do his paperwork. Most probably with all his ruffled black hairs covering his forehead, his glass sitting on the long bridge of nose, folded sleeves of his shirt exposing his veiny arms, his unbuttoned shirt up to midway exposing his perfect abs, and all his attention won by some shit documents.
I gulped down, wetting my throat, coming back to the present. What a scene it must be.
My legs carried me to the chair, and I ran my fingers through the post, before sitting myself on it.
I looked up at Gabriel, who was now having his most probably favourite wine.
But looking at me sitting on the chair, and not just chair but, his chair, ................................................ he raised his left eyebrow at me.
I smiled, before slapping his own response on his face.

“Hours ago, weren’t you the one who said that I am your to be wife?”

He didn’t spoke a word, but kept looking at me.

“So, your wife have got all the rights to sit herself wherever she wishes to.”

He smiled. Swirling his wine glass, he opened his thin lips.

“Of course but, my sweetheart.”

He took a sip from his glass. His Adam’s bobbed in a voluptuous way.

“But don’t you try to run off when I will claim my rights.”

Placing a tumbler of wine in front of me, he moved to the other side of the table and placed his ass on a chair.
He actually is competent enough to turn me hushed with his words.

“Fine, we had certain things to discuss. And that is, to..”

“I wont retire from my job.”

I interrupted this English man. Everything cant occur according to him. According to his wishes.

“And who is asking you to? I know models face difficulty once married. We can keep it secret, I will act as your boyfriend for the world. But we will be legally married.”

My mouth fell touching the ground. I kept looking at him. Is he for real. Am I actually getting a husband who is extremely supportive when my career is involved.


There’s always a but.

“My family will know about our marriage. Actually that was original deal if we look at past. My inheritance is in line.”

“I don’t have any problem with that. Only as far as they keep our marriage a secret.”

Why would I have any? They got nothing to do with my carrier. And as far as they won’t interfere with my peaceful life, why would I have any problem.

“Mm, good. I will make sure that this news don’t get out of my house, but yes, you will have to be careful. Notorious people in my family will definitely try to take advantage of this weakness of yours against me. So..”

I understood the rest. What big conspiring family does he owns? I wondered.

“Any other demands?”

He clasped his hand, as if concluding me to close this chapter of mine where I am asking him things. But no darling, not so soon. I am not done yet.



Like polite gentleman his gestured his hand for me to continue. Definitely, his mother raised him perfectly.

“I would like to live at my place after marriage.”

He kept looking at me for seconds. He must be confused

“Okay I am not that into rituals and traditions where girl must come to her husbands home, but why? Just curious me.”

He shrugged his shoulder and supported his face looking at me.

“It’s complicated.”

“How much?”

“To the point where I am suffering from agoraphobia. At the very least, I need home at night.”

He nodded his head, thinking something deeply.

“Fine. As long as you are ready to share a bed with me, I don’t have any problem with anything.”

He winked at me and I rolled me eyes. Looking at me, he laughed out loud.
Please, does this man never gets tired of thinking of just one thing. Sex?

“Anyways, I will give you a rough sketch of members of my family.”

I nodded my head, letting my back meet the post. I am turning quite comfortable, compared to how this is my first visit to his mansion.
I have started to find the same comfort I used to find near my shadower.
Was I that deprived of love, affection, warmth?

“As you already know, I have a super cool, cute grandmother.”

His voice brought me back to the room.
And by the way he described his grandmother and how his voice changed while talking about her, they must share an adorable bong

“She is cool and everything, but she wants me to get married and settle soon. That’s just a poor excuse she put as a hurdle in front of me to prove others that she is not going easy on me before making me her official heir.”

I nodded my head taking everything and noting it mentally.

“Next comes my parents. My father is again a businessman and mother is housewife plus ‘philanthropist’.”

He made a awkward double qoutes symbol raising his both index and middle finger up in the air.

“Typical rich lady she is. But yes, they both loves me more than anything. Their only child.”

He smiled, most probably thinking about the his parents.

“Next comes the main villain and characters from whom you ned to protect yourself.”

“Protect myself? They wont kill me right?”

I laughed but dang! The serious expressions he brought up, made me think how long span of life do I have left in my hand.

“They might.”


Colour drained from my face. But the vary next second he laughed like he made some big shot joke.
I stared at him, throwing pen from the stand at his direction.

“Please Gabriel. Be serious.”

“Look at your face. Darling they are not murderers. And why to worry when you have a superman like husband by your side.”

He winked at me.

“Yupp, a husband who put me in this situation?”

His roars of laugh again echoed around us. Is this future I am seeing through present? Will we be like this? Sitting and discussing things, while teasing each other. Laughing at each other’s foolishness?
If this is the future I have with him, I will be more than happy.

‘More than I was with my shadower?’

A voice within asked me. And I had a simple answer to the question.

No. I cant forget him.
Where Gabriel tends to keep me happy, my shadower was my peace. My home.
And I crave peace more than happiness.

“Back to the subject, my aunt wanted all the money and property for herself. And to make it happen she wanted me to get married to her sister’s daughter. But unfortunately for her and fortunately for me, I fell for you.”

Me heart did a tumble turn before jumping in pool of delirium. He smiled at me, flipping my heart one more time.
I went for not reacting, at this early stage and act as if I didn’t even listened to what he said.
Clearing his throat, he continued.

“So, moral of the story. You will help me acquire the inheritance after a year of our marriage.”

“And after that?”

It came out of my mouth. Even I don’t know how and from where, but it did. And just one thought was going on in my brain.
‘Will he leave me and camouflage, like my shadower did? That too, after I get attached.’

“After that? After that you will help me with spending the money.”

I smirked. I actually like the picture. But am I doing this a justice with Gabriel? Where he is giving me clear indications of falling for me. And I am still stuck with my past.

“Any other questions?”

Gabriel scrutinized at me and waited for answer. While I zoned out in another world.
And all of a sudden, I stood up and walked near him, bending to his height, collided mine lips to his’.

Hey my lovely readers,
I wish you all to be fine and healthy.
I hope u like the update. Please let me know in the comment section.

Thank you,
Your author,,

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