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I walk into Audreys bathroom, she can't stop throwing up. I tie her hair back into a low ponytail.

I look away as she gags into the toilet. I grab a damp washcloth and press it gently against Audrey's forehead, As she finally takes a moment to catch her breath, I speak softly, "Are you okay, Audrey?"

She glances up, her eyes bloodshot and bleary. "Ugh, too much to drink" she mumbles, attempting a weak smile.

She definitely did drugs too.

"Did they drug you?" I nibble on my bottom lip. She quickly straightens up, "what! No! Why would you even think that?"

I take a moment to think, "you were raped, Audrey."

She gripped the edges of the toilet seat. "It wasn't like that."

I nod my head "yes it was, i saw everything. What he did to you wasn't okay."

"Your crazy for even thinking that. You weren't even there when it started, i wanted it."

I take a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "Audrey, I can't ignore what I witnessed. We need to report this."

Audrey's eyes flare with anger, and she stands up abruptly. "Report? You think I'm some helpless victim? I can handle my own problems! Just leave me alone!" She snatches the damp washcloth from my hands and throws it onto the bathroom floor.

I look at her like shes crazy, "Audrey, I care about you!, and I can't stand by knowing what happened. Please, let someone help you through this."

"I don't need anyone's help! I'm fine! Just get out!" She yelled.

I stand up, and i glare at her. I walk out of her bathroom and the room. I march into my room,

Fucking bitch, i was trying to help her.


She's still been going out to that place. She doesn't care about what happened. I feel that its really fucking weird. But here i am, sitting on the couch eating chips and watching a random reality tv show not knowing what their saying because i barely now german. I glance at the time, '11:23 pm.' Shes still out, doing whatever they do. I get up from the couch, i place the chip bag on the couch and i walk into the kitchen. I take out a chocolate bar from out of the pantry, i lean on the counter and i start to eat little pieces of it. The front door suddenly opens, "audery?" I call out. No response. I shrug my shoulders brushing it off. I start to get goosebumps and my mind tells me something is wrong.

I grab scissors off the counter and i slowly walk towards the front door, i scan the area. Nobody, i hear a loud thud from upstairs which makes me flinch a little.

The air becomes thicker with tension as I reach the hallway. Glancing around, I notice Audrey's bedroom door slightly open. "Audrey?" I whisper. I open the door. No ones in here. I exhale a breath i didnt know i even took. I throw the scissors onto the floor and i walk out, as i'm walking out i get hit in the back of my head with something really fucking hard.

Then. Black. A void.

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