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I shook my head, it was pounding. I wanted to push him away. But everything weighed onto me.

"Don't do this to me." I whined to him as I looked up from his gorgeous face to the white ceiling.

I felt him stand up from my lap. He stared down at me, his beautiful puffy eyes. Why does everything about him have to be beautiful.

I looked down in my lap, he pulled me up by my arms. I wanted to cry but nothing came out.

I didnt dare to make eye contact with him because if I did I would start sobbing.

His hands gripped my arms gently. "Look at me cat" he whispered.

I stared at his chest, How could I push him away when every fiber of my being yearned for his touch, his warmth, his love? How could I trust him when I can even trust myself?

I felt a lump form in my throat, there was so much I wanted to say.

"I- Tom i hate you." I lied.

I loved him.

I fucking loved him.

He wrapped me into a tight hug. I know he knew I was lying. He knew I loved him.

"I know, Catherine, I know." He murmured into my hair. His hand ran down my hair.

With each beat of his heart pressed against mine, I felt the walls I had built around myself start to crumble. It had felt that a soft spot had formed for him. I knew it would never go away.

I was irrevocably, hopelessly, madly in love with him. And as much as i tried fighting it, there was no denying the magnetic pull drawing me back into his arms, over and over again.


I was eating in the kitchen, sitting on the island table chairs. Eating left overs they had saved for me when I would wake up.

I twisted the fork around in the pasta and sauce, I wasnt hungry honestly. I felt like if I did eat I would die or something. I look over to my left side to see bill sitting next to me. I never gotten along with him, i've never really talked to him.

And I absolutely despised him for raping Audrey.

"Hey Cat." He said while staring at the plate of food infront of me.

"Hi." I mumbled glaring between him and the plate.

Bill cleared his throat, drawing my attention away from the plate "I know things have been.. complicated between us but, theres something I wanna tell you."

"Okay go on." I said while raising an eyebrow.

"After.... After what happened, when you were... asleep, for a long.. very long time," he stumbled over his words "i don't know if he wants me to be saying this but, tom never left the room."

I stared at him, "what do you mean."

"He stayed by your side the whole time you were... asleep. He didnt sleep, he didnt eat, he barely even moved. Everyday when I walked past the room I could hear him sobbing and talking to you. He just waited until you woke up." He explained.

I felt a lot of emotions, confusion, loved, a little bit of sadness. Did he really care for me that much? Maybe Bill was lying.

I shook my head, "I don't believe you." I muttered.

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