My beautiful girl

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Cat's P.O.V

I woke up to loud noises and a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. My vision blurry, i get laid on a moving bed? People rushing me to a room, cold hands on my face with a weird substance.

"Catherine, its okay, you'll be okay." A man said, i can barely hear, it sounded like he was talking underwater.

A mask gets put onto my face, I felt blood seeping out of my mouth. The man gets pulled away.


It was tom.

I get put into a room, everything slows down.

"Keep breathing honey." A lady said. So i did. I breathed. I tried, but blood filled my lungs. I coughed and blood went everywhere in the mask.

Then. Dark, a black void.

Tom's P.O.V

I watched her as they look her away from me, i shot her. I didn't mean to, i never wanted to. I was trying to save her.

I walked back to the lobby, and i sat down. I stared at her blood on my hands. I felt tears watering in my eyes. She could die because of me. As she said those words to me in the car 'tom, you shot me' it was like a sharp stab in my throat.

I cupped my face with my hands. I felt her blood seep into my face. Thoughts raced through my mind, my body felt heavy. I ran my hands down my face, leaving a trail of her blood down my face. I threw my head back and stared up at the ceiling, she could be dying right now. But why should I care? It's not like she's important to me anyway. Shooting those men are gonna get me in even more trouble than i am already, I should've just let her get raped.

"Tom?" I heard Bills voice, I looked over to him, Audrey by his side along with the others.

Audrey runs up to me, i stare up at her and she stares down at me. I cupped my face right after she slapped me.

I deserved that.

"What happened?! Where is she?" Audrey asked, her voice cracking and her eyes started to tears up. Her face as red as a tomato.

I part my lips to speak but nothing comes out.

"Well?! What the hell happened tom!" She screamed. I felt my fist's ball up. But then Bill stepped in front of her, his back facing me.

"Calm down, she's probably just getting checked," bill sighed annoyed, he turns to face me "right tom? Shes just getting a check up."

I slowly part my lips, "shot."

Bill looks at me confused, "shot?"

Audrey steps next to bill, "shot?! You fucking shot her?!" Tears fall from her face, i cant tell if she's angry, or sad, or both.

"I didn't mean to."

She narrowed her eyebrows at me "you didn't mean to?! Like I'm supposed to believe that"

My eyes watered, "i tried to save her, she just- she just got in the way i swear" my voice cracked, i was telling the truth.


I held her soft hand in my hand, i stared at her chest slowly rise and fall.

My gorgeous girl, her face once so beautiful now all battered.

Why did i let this happen to my beautiful little girl. I stared at her lips part open.

I looked up at her tired and weak eyes that were staring down at me.

"cat." I whispered. She didn't say anything she just stared at me.

"I didn't want this to happen to you, cat." I looked down, and i felt her hand move out of mine. Shit.

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