I know

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I felt a cold metal press against my lips making me wince.

He circles the tip of the gun against my entrance, teasing me.

I groaned he thrusts the tip of the gun inside of me. Tears fall from my face, my whole body freezes up. He works the gun inside of me, i feel both pain and pleasure.

He then pulls out, then shoves the barrel of the gun inside of me, "you're so wet, cat."

The slurping and suctioning noise coming from my pussy as he fucks me with his gun fills me with shame and guilt. I feel embarrassed almost.

I suck in my bottom lip to hold in my moans, i will not give him that satisfaction i know he wants.

He twirls the gun around in my pussy and he it hits one spot, i let out a loud moan. "You like that?" He growls, as he goes back and finds the spot. My eyes roll into the back of my head as he continues to hit that spot. I feel a sharp pain on my ass cheek, he's biting me? I cry out it pain, but as he lets go, it mixes into pleasure.

He cocks the gun and i squirm, i just remember what the hell is in side of me.

I fall over onto my side and i feel the gun slip out of me. I lay there, trembling and panting, as Tom stands over me, a cruel smirk twisting his lips. He puts the gun up to his mouth and starts licking off my juices.

Every fiber of my being screams in disgust, but I'm paralyzed, unable to move or speak. He looks down at me with a predatory glint in his eyes, "You taste good, Cat." he sneers. A wave of nausea washes over me.

I want to scream, to lash out at him, but I'm too weak, too broken by him.

He stuffs the gun into his waistband and then helps me put my clothes back on. I stare up at him as he picks me up like i'm a baby. He holds me close, he's the only source of comfort. So i sink into his arms, allowing all the tension in me to fade away.

I close my eyes, just wanting it to go away. Wanting everything to go away. The pain, the sick feeling in my stomach. All of it.

I felt a strong gust of coldness as he carried me into a big warehouse. I blinked my eyes open to look around, it looked like a small hangout area. There was a pool table, a living room. With a kitchen and a bar area. He placed me in the corner of the leather couch. I glance at the guy sitting across from me, i didnt notice him before.

Tom ripped off the zip ties and i looked down at the marks on my wrist and ankles. I moved my damp side bangs out of my face so they would stop annoying me. Tom went into the kitchen, leaving me with this man.

"Stop staring at me princess." The guy mumbled.

I quickly looked away. How could i not, he had on a compression shirt that showed his nice build, nice chestnut brown hair, with tattoo sleeves on both arms, and tattoos on his neck.

"You don't talk?" He asked while turning his head to look at me. His eyes were a nice green color.

I gulped silently, "i.. i do."

He looked me up and down, not the way tom did, in a way where he was admiring me.

He grabbed an open beer from the coffee table, and handed it to me.

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