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Its been a year since i've seen you. Everytime I think about you my stomach turns.

I'm now 20, and I havent found myself a boyfriend since you. I can't believe you left me, alone when you knew i needed you the most. I cant even remember what you look like, or how your nice voice sounds. It hurts tom. All of it hurts. I miss the feeling of your touch, I miss how you cared for me.. i miss all of it. All of you.

I clicked my pen against my desk in my cubicle at my office. I sighed and scooted in closer to my desk, lifting my elbow against the desk and my head rested against my hand. I looked down at my lap, i had on white loose pants, and a long tight black tank with some jewelry.

I stared at my computer screen that had tons of  emails and work. I let out a small gasp as i felt a tight grip on my shoulder.

I turned my head around and looked up. A sly smirk plastered on my bosses face, "Catherine, darling.."

"Yes, Mr. Lambert?" I said with a forced smile.

Mr. Lambert always made me uncomfortable, with the look of lust in his eyes as he always spoke with me.. and how he eyed my body.

"Catherine you know you can call me René." He said while leaning down.

"Thats unprofessional." I mumbled while looking down.

"Mmm.." he hummed, i could feel his eyes burning into me. "Well, someone left roses for you in the lobby."

I immediately shot my head up at him and furrowed my eyebrows. "Roses?"

He nodded as he pulled my chair out, I got up from my chair, "Did it say who it was from?"

"I dont know.. Marilyn told me that there were flowers for you." He said as he walked with me towards the elevator.

"Oh.." I muttered.

I looked down as we entered the elevator. I leaned against the elevator wall, lost in my thoughts.

Who could've brought them? I hadn't dated since Tom.. even though tom wasn't really my boyfriend. Could it had been Espen from the dead? I smirked to myself, and shook my head.

Could it be Tom? My heart raced and my body trembled in anticipation.

I looked up at Mr. Lambert, who was staring at me.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." I mumbled.

He chuckled, the elevator came to a stop and I walked out. I looked over at Marylin who pointed at the large bouquet of white roses. I walked over to them, I took a deep breath in.

A small note rested against the petals.

My fingers trembled as I reached for the note, i lifted it open.

"For you, my love.. - T.K." It read.

I breathed in again, sharply.

"Oh my god." I hummed.

A lump in my throat formed, my body temperature rose and my knees felt weak. I could feel myself sweating.

I turned around to Mr. Lambert.

"I don't feel well." I mumbled, trying to hold back a sob.

"You look pale.. you can go home early.. i'll bring your things after i finish my work."

I nodded, I turned back around and grabbed the roses, the note is still in my hands. I quickly headed for the doors, I pushed them open and walked out into the cool summer air. I ran towards my car, my heels clicking against the pavement. Tears filled my eyes, and I slid into the driver's seat slamming the door behind me.

I threw my roses and note into the passenger seat and turned on the car.

I let out a big sob, tears streamed down my face. I slammed my forehead against the steering wheel, making the car let out a long beep.

"I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!" I cried.

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