Whats real and whats not

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The shower turned off and i laid wet in his arms. He lifted me up from his arms and pulled me out of the tub. I stood there looking down at my feet sobbing. "It's okay cat i'll get you cleaned up and we'll leave. I'll take you home we'll be safe cat, I promise."

Home? What did he mean home? I don't have a home anymore.

He peeled off my wet clothes from my body leaving me naked. He got a nearby towel, and dried me off. He left the room and I crossed my arms across my chest. He came back with some random clothes that weren't mine but definitely some other girl clothes.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm so fucking sorry" i sobbed.

"Shhh cat, its okay, it's not your fault." He whispered, he leaned down to kiss my forehead but I flinched and turned his down.

He put the clothes on me, he told me to go out to the car and to wait for him there. I whipped my tears, and I walked out of the bathroom. I walked into the living room, and i glanced over at the passed out guy on the couch who caused this.

I opened the main door and it swung shut behind me. I opened the passenger seat and i slipped inside, the water from my hair dripped down my back. Alone in the car, I hugged my knees to my chest, feeling utterly lost and broken.

Tom was in fresh clothes, and he slid into the driver's seat. He glanced at me then started the car and drove away.

As we drove through the darkened woods, I stared out the window, watching the world pass by in a blur of trees and shadows.

I felt like a stranger in my own skin.


Tom laid me down on his bed, "i'll be back." He whispered.

I nodded and i curled into a ball, and he left the room. my body trembling with a mix of fear, exhaustion, and despair. Each breath felt like a struggle, like I was drowning in a sea of my own emotions.

I closed my eyes and silent tears fell from my eyes.

I heard the door open, i thought it was tom. I opened my eyes to see Audrey kneeling in front of me.

She brushed my hair out of my face, "cat.." she softly muttered. "I thought you were dead. You were gone for so long. I thought tom was out there killing you." tears fell from her face.

I wish i had the words to tell her that tom isn't a bad person.

She placed a soft kiss on my cheek, "i love you."

She got up and left.

I wanted to run after her and tell her everything, about how tom is hurting, how tom helped me, saved me.

Tom came in right as Audrey left, he had water and a pill in his hand.

Oh gosh.

He approached the bed, and like Audrey did he kneeled beside the bed in front of me. He whipped away my tears, his touch light as if afraid to cause me any more pain.

"I brought you something to help you sleep." he murmured.

"please no, don't make me do it please." I cried.

"I don't want you to hurt anymore, I want to help you, to make the pain go away, even if it's just for a little while." he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

Slowly, I nodded, my heart heavy with fear. He placed the glass and pill on the nightstand and helped me sit up. Soft sobs escaped from my lips, he picked them up again and he placed the pill in my hand. I swallowed it down with water. I laid back down, and he placed the water on the nightstand.

As the pill began to take effect, a heavy weariness settled over me, weighing down my limbs and clouding my thoughts. I watched through half-lidded eyes as Tom walked around the bed, i felt his warm body press against my back. His face in my hair, smelling my scent.

"Try to get some rest, Cat," he murmured, his voice soft and soothing. "I'll be right here with you."

With a nod, I closed my eyes, allowing the darkness to engulf me once more.


I felt myself fall into a pool of blood. The warm, thick, sensation felt good around me. I tried to swim upwards, to get out, "Tom, tom, tom... tom!" I yelled, nothing came out. The once good sensation now felt terrible. I was drowning.

I realized that if i closed my eyes, and i let myself drown. I would finally die.

I closed my eyes, and stopped trying.

But then I woke up to salty water splashing over me, i quickly sat up i looked in front of me. A tall scary figure loomed over me, i looked up to see a disoriented face, a demon almost. Behind it was an ocean.

It screamed at me, high pitched. It made my ears ring. "What do you want?! What do you want?!" I cried.

It reached out to me, but I got up and started running. I ran along the shore, i heard it following behind me, shrieking at me.

"Go away! Please... stop!" My voice cracked, i squeezed my  eyes closed. I was tired of running. I opened my eyes, i was now in a forest.

"Whats happening to me?" I whined.

I walked in the forest, scared. Anything could pop out at me. I was cold, freezing almost.

I felt as if someone was watching me, i just kept walking. I kept my head down. I was dripping in blood. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig underfoot, sent a shiver of fear down my spine.

I stumbled over roots and fallen branches, my heart pounding in my chest as I struggled to keep moving forward. The feeling of being watched grew stronger, like unseen eyes bore into my very soul.

I heard a snap from behind me, i turn around to see a man in black running in full speed towards me with a axe in his hand. I froze. Right as he was about to attack me with it, i found myself in toms room, he was on top of me shaking me.

Was this real?

"Get off!" I screamed as i pushed him off of me, he fell off of me. And i immediately got up.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He yelled.

"I-I don't understand," I stammered, my voice trembling with fear. "What's happening to me?"

"I don't know what's happening to me."My breath was choppy.

He pulled me into a hug, his arms wrapped around my waist. His warmth I didnt deserve.

"The blood, and the ocean, the forest, the man, the demon. It all felt so real" i sobbed.

"I know, Cat," he murmured, his voice gentle yet firm. "But you're safe now. None of that was real. It was just a nightmare."

I buried my face in his chest, "i'm sorry."

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