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I groaned as i woke up.

"good morning sweetheart." A voice said, brushing my hair out of my face.

I blinked open my eyes, "what the hell!" I screamed and pushed tom back, he smirked.

I sat up, "where am i?!"

"Your new home." He grinned. I glanced around, "no."

He chuckled, "you don't have a choice, cat."

"Its catherine." I muttered. Silence passes by, he keeps staring at me. I glance at the door, then back at him.

Quickly, i got up and i tried to make a run for it. Right as i'm about to run out the bedroom, he gripped my wrist with his big warm hands and jerked me back making me slide onto my bum.

"I wouldn't run if i were you, we have body guards everywhere." He looked down at me with those dark evil eyes. "Fuck off." I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away.

"Your cute." He grinned. He held out his hand and i took it, he lifted me up. His hand on my lower back slowly forcefully pressing me close to him. He leaned down near my ear, i could feel his hot breath against my neck then he whispered in my ear "you wanna see Audrey, right?"

I nodded slowly. He then backed up and grabbed my hand. He lead me out of the room, and down the big long hallway. The bright sun peered through the windows, we then reach the end of the hall, and we walk downstairs. We walk into another long dark hall. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. No response. We reached the very end of the hall and we walked into this dark room. Tom closed the door behind us and the lights flickered on.

There laid audrey, her whole body covered in blood. Her body looks limp but she's breathing. I didnt know what to feel, there were bruises all over her legs and arms. Her  bottom lip  busted open. I felt sick. I cupped my hand over my mouth, and i started to cry. I cried harder than ever. My legs felt weak and i collapsed on the cold floor. My cries filled up the room.

I crawled over to her and i sat her up in my arms, i moved her blood stained hair out of her face. She felt cold. She felt dead. "Audrey." I muttered. I looked up at tom who loomed over me "this is all your fault!" I screamed.

"You'll get used to it, cat." He smirked.

Tears fell down my face, siting my cheeks.

"Quit crying." He muttered. I only cried more, i couldn't see her like this. I still felt sick. I cradle Audrey's battered body, my tears falling onto her bruised skin. I kissed her bloody cheek, her blood stained my lips. My grip on her grew tighter.

Tom bent down to help me up. His strong hands, touched my weak hands. As he wiped the tears off my face, a chilling smile played on his lips. Tom guided me out of the room, leaving Audrey behind. We walked into a near by bathroom. He put down the toilet lid and he sat me down on it, he grabbed a rag and ran it under warm water. He bent down infront of me, i'm still crying but not as hard as i was. He wipes away my tears. He wipes off the blood on my hands, my arms, and my lips. His touch oddly gentle. He put the rag on the edge of the bathtub and his big hands cupped my face. I gripped his wrist trying to pull his hands off of me, but he kept his place. Slowly caressing my cheeks with his thumbs.

"Why'd you hurt her?" I asked, my voice breathy.

"I didnt hurt her, cat." He said firmly. His hands left my cheeks and landed on my thighs.

"Yes you did!" I yelled. He clenched his jaw, "don't fucking yell at me!" He yelled back, he slapped me in my face with force. I cupped my hand with my cheek. I let out a gasp. Tom's eyes bore into mine, a mix of anger and dominance.

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