I need you

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I stared at Audrey, who's sitting across from me and tom. She looks different, sad. Bill comes and sits down next to her, wrapping his arm around her. I pulled down my tight red dress that tom made me put on.

I glanced over at Gustav and Georg who are sitting at the bar with Erin and Blair. I grabbed my drink that as filled to the brim, over the past weeks. I realized drinking and drugs were the only thing that blurred out the pain.

As i sipped on my drink, tom put his hand on my thigh. I immediately grabbed his hand and pulled it off, but he put it back on. He leaned down in my ear, "don't embarrass me."

I clenched my jaw, "i have to use the bathroom." I put my drink back down and I swiftly got up, my red dress clinging uncomfortably. Audrey's distant gaze followed me briefly before she shifted her attention back to Bill.

Inside the bathroom, i stood in front of the sink mirror. I stared at my face, i looked at the cut on the side of my head. I fixed my hair a little, moving my side bangs to the side.

Suddenly, the lights flickered off. I heard commotion outside of the bathroom, i stepped out. Everything was pitch black.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, silhouettes moved around the bar, each figure indistinct and unpredictable.

I glance around and I see someone coming my way, "Tom's girl right?" A man asked.

"No." I mumbled.


Behind me, someone grips my mouth with strong hands, and the other arm wrapped around my stomach. I scratched at his big arms, i screamed, but my screams were muffled. The man took me downstairs of the bar and into a room and the door swung shut behind us. I realized there was more than two men.

The room I was forcefully led into reeked of alcohol, sweat, and cigarettes.

As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I saw the unsettling figures of several men lingering in the shadows. Fear knotted in my stomach.

The man who had restrained me finally released me from his big arms, I stumbled backward, my back hitting the cold wall.

The room felt claustrophobic, the air thick with tension. My eyes darted between the lurking figures. One of them came forward, he harshly grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. He was overweight and looked very older than me.

"Such a pretty girl" he muttered. The other six men came over to us, and created a circle. The man stepped back joining the circle. I then got kicked in the side of my leg, making me fall. I crumpled to the floor, pain shooting through my leg as the forceful kick left me gasping for breath. They all looked down at me, a man to my right kicked me in my stomach.

And they all started going at it, they all kicked me, my body ached in pain. My nose started bleeding, i felt the cut on the side of my head re-opening. My vision blurred as tears streamed down my face, and I felt the blood from my nose trickle down to my lips. My wails filled the room, i lay on the floor, defenseless, like i was a rag doll.

One of them tore down the middle of my red dress, revealing my bare chest. He grabbed my arms and yanked me up to my feet, i felt like i was gonna die.

He slammed me against the wall, his fingers played with one of my nipples. I heard him drop his pants, he turned me around.

And before I knew it, he was inside of me.

I cried out in pain, i'm loosing my own virginity to rape. "No!" I cried out, my voice cracking.

I used my hands to push him away by his stomach but he wouldn't move. He grabbed my wrists and he kept jamming himself into me.

I needed tom. I needed him to protect me, where is he?

In that moment. I felt dead, yet my heart and body was functioning, barely, but I felt dead. Everything in me was dying.

Tom's P.O.V

I sat up in my seat and i glanced around the bar trying to see if i could see Cat. I looked over to Bill, the candle on the Table was the only thing giving us light.

"Have you seen cat?" I asked.

He stopped making out with Audrey, and shook his head. I looked away from them, I stood up from the table and raced my gaze around the dimly lit bar. A sense of unease crept over me as I scanned for any sign of Catherine.

"Bill come on, Audrey stay here." I said.

Where the fuck was she? Did she fucking run away? Because if she did, i'll kill her.

After pushing past some people I went over to the bar to get Gustav and Georg. We went towards the ladies room, i went in with bill, gustav, and georg behind me. "Catherine" i called out, no response. I opened all the stalls, no sign of her.

I leaned against the sink, "where the fuck is she?!" I quietly shouted.

"Tom its alright, we'll find her." Gustav mumbled.

I shook my head angrily, "no you don't fucking understand!" I growled. I pushed past them and walked out of the bathroom. I walked downstairs of the bar, i hear them following behind me.

I walk down a hallway, and i pushed open every single fucking door.

How could she just vanish?! Is she fucking stupid, she knows how much trouble she would be in.

As i'm about to open a door I hear muffled cries, i bust it open. In the dimly lit room, i see her, getting passed around by these awful men. Her body all bloody, bruises all over her.

I immediately pulled out my gun, and without a thought i started shooting at each and every one of them, i couldn't stop shooting. I first shot the one that had her in his filthy hands and I watched her drop to the floor. Poor girl, she didn't deserve it. Bill, Georg, and Gustav came in and started shooting at the others. I couldn't stop shooting.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, my head started pounding, hands trembling. I watched as blood splattered everywhere.

"Tom stop!" She yelled, her voice weak, i've never heard her sweet voice this weak.

As soon as i heard her sweet voice, i stopped. I threw my gun on the floor, and i rushed over to her. I fell to the floor and held her bare body in my arms. Her blood stuck to my clothes. I took off my shirt and I put it on her. I held her close in my arms, I held her head up on my shoulder, and she wrapped her legs around me. My heavy breathing mixed with her soft sobs filled the room, Her grip around me tightened, "its okay, i got you, your safe." I mumbled, her soft little sobs escaped her lips, her sobs filled my ears like a melody i could listen to forever.

I couldn't protect her sooner. Its my fault.

I stood up and i rushed out of the room.

"Hospital, we gotta get her to the hospital!" I shouted.

I looked for the closest exit sign. I pushed the door open, the cold night air bit at my skin. I searched for my car in the front, i felt her body go limp in my arms.

I'm not gonna let her go like this, i need her.

"Catherine?" I whisper.

She let out a little groan to let me know shes still alive somewhere in her body.

I placed her in the passenger seat, and I swiftly climbed into the front seat. Without waiting for bill and them, i rushed off to the hospital.

"Catherine stay awake!" I said, glancing at her, she keeps nodding off.

"Tom.. you shot me."

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