22 - Cally and Kimmy

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I asked her to be mine yesterday. The smile on her face made my heart leap a thousand miles. I forgot how I even met her. What the fuck? I can't think straight.

I looked up at my ceiling and smiled. I was back at the house with the boys and my life was just going perfect so far. It's weird how a few months ago I was this depressing little shit and now, I have someone to call my happiness.

Austin is currently outside sleeping with Calum. He's been really hitting it off with Kimberly lately. It's weird to see Calum stick with a girl for this long. He usually switches it up every week.

Not saying that he's a player. Or a fuckboy at the most. But he's a really great guy once you get to know him. At least, for me he is.

Ashton.. Well, I never really talked to him for a while. I was always with Alex. Although, every time I came into this house, I heard him singing. Probably writing songs inspired by his ex boyfriend.

Yeah, that's right. Ashton is gay. (In this story guys lol) Never saw it coming, huh? Neither did the rest of us. He went out with this hot guy for a week and apparently, the guy broke it off. Guess he wasn't feeling it as much as Ashton.

Michael? Half his face and his left arm got burned in a fire. He was playing around with fireworks and I guess he wasn't being safe. (Idea from the show where he got burnt :()

My life has been revolving around these people and I couldn't have asked for better people to spend my endless nights of depression with.


I woke up with Austin in my arms and Kimberly on my mind.

She's been keeping me up at night lately. We've been texting each other back and forth. She's the only girl I've ever done this with. I always feel butterflies whenever I'm with her. What a girly thing to say.

Today, she's going to come over to my house. The boy's house.

I gently unwrapped Austin from my arms, making sure not to wake him up. I sat upright and sighed. I looked around. This place was a mess. I guess that's what you get with 5 boys living in a tiny house.

She was coming over at 10. I looked at my phone. *9:57* HOLY SHIT.

H O L Y S H I T.

I rushed off the couch and picked up soda cans, beer bottles, and clothes off the floor. I slid every pizza box I could see under the couch. I picked Austin up bridal style and ran to Luke's room.

I kicked the door open and Luke immediately shot up from his bed.


"Here, take this," I urged and handed Austin over. "Kimberly's coming in uhh, a minute! Get out of the house!"

"What? Why do I have to get out?" He rolled his eyes.

"Or just don't come downstairs. Please," I pleaded, "keep Austin away from us."

"Oh, so this is a date," he smirked.

"No, this isn't a fucking date, dumbass. I just don't want Austin to interrupt our session."

"Session? Make out session? Sex session?"

"I mean our time together."

"You guys are having sex aren't you?"

"No, we are-"

"Yes, you are.

"No, we ar-"

The door bell rang. We both looked at each other. Me with my eyes wide and Luke with a fucking smirk on his face.

"Be quiet."

"I should be telling you that," Luke smirked once again and laid back down. "Use protection."

I rolled my eyes and slammed his door as I walked out. "Who needs protection?!" I yelled.

"You if you want her to get pregnant!"

I rushed down the stairs and opened the door. I was greeted with a strong scent of sweet pea from Bath and Body Works.

My beautiful girl was standing before me. She was dressed in skinny jeans and a grey v-neck. She had a floral scarf around her neck and some J's on her feet. ( wink wink ;-) ) Her hair curled perfectly and simple makeup. She was perfection.

"Hi, Cal," she smiled. My knees wobbled. She had a smile that could kill.

"H-hey." I mentally slapped myself. You stuttered! Keep it cool. "Come in," I opened the door further and stepped to the side to give her some space to walk in.

"Would you like anything to drink?"

"Some apple juice would be great," she grinned up at me.

Oh, shit. We don't have apple juice.

"Uhh, sure. I'll be right back. Have a seat," I guided her towards our couch and rushed to Luke's room.

I softly knocked and waited for an answer.

No answer.

I banged on the door and jiggled the knob. It was already open.

"Luke! Can you please do me a favor?" I pleaded on my knees.

"What do you want?" He rolled his eyes.

"Please go to the store and buy Apple juice. I won't ask for anything ever again," I begged. "Please, I'm on my knees!"

"Why do you need Apple juice? Don't tell me that's one of her kinks becaus-"

"She asked for Apple juice and we didn't have any. I don't know how to say no to her," I pouted.

"Okay okay. I'll buy your stupid Apple juice, but I'm not bringing Austin with me," Luke smirked.

"But what if he wakes up?!" I cried.

"Then that's your problem. I'm taking the back door," he said while reaching for his keys.

I sighed and got up from my knees. He looked at me and I smiled at him. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"You're the best," I whispered. I kissed his cheek and ran down the stairs. I jumped on the couch next to Kimberly and sat down.

"Luke is finding the juice, but for now, what do you want to do?" I giddily questioned.

Instead of answering me, she stood up and went in front of me. I looked up at her and ran my eyes down her body.

She lifted my chin with her finger and bent down to kiss me. I placed my hands on her cheeks. She grabbed my wrists and straddled me.

What was she doing?

She began kissing my neck. I tilted my head to give her more space. This felt way too good. I wrapped my arms around her torso and brought her closer. I leaned back and sighed.

"Forget the juice, I just want you," she whispered.

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