9 - second chances

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My mom never taught me how to respond back to these type of situations. Luke just asked me if he could kiss me and I'm pretty sure I'll mess this perfect moment up by being my awkward self. I could feel my subconscious telling me to kiss him, but my heart was telling me to stop. I did the dumbest thing ever and listened to the demon in my head.

I pulled Luke's face to mine and smashed my lips to his. He was stunned, I could tell. I was stunned myself. I kept my lips still as I waited for him to make a move. A few seconds passed and he still hadn't moved. I opened my right eye and saw that he was looking at me as if I were a ghost that was kissing him. I pulled away and avoided his eyes.

"S-sorry, I didn't think you would actually do that," he said quietly.

I felt my eyes sting from the tears forming. I probably look like a huge baby crying at a time like this.

"No, no, it's totally fine," I nodded my head, still avoiding contact, "I think you can put on the bandages on yourself. When you're done, just give the first aid kit to Kimberly. It was great meeting you, Luke." I weakly smiled at him for a half second before dashing to my room.

I jumped under my duvet and cried in a ball position. I heard soft knocking on my door and Luke's beauitful voice coming through the wood. I can't believe I'm crying over a guy I just met today.


(A Week Later)


A week ago, I met a girl named Alex and she had kissed me. And you want to know the part I regret the most? I didn't kiss her back. The only girl I get nervous over and I don't kiss her back. This isn't how I am. I'm usually Luke Hemmings. The confident guy that could get any girl any second. Although, the guys like to call me cocky instead of confident. I just don't get it and I probably never will.

I hadn't talked to Alex ever since the day she kissed me. Honestly, I miss her. A lot. I miss her innocence and the way she talked so sweetly to me. I also miss the fierce side of hers. I've always had a thing for bad girls and Alex is no where near bad. She's shy and innocent. Never in my life would I think I would fall for someone like her. Someone like Alex.

I decided to visit Alex today, just to see how she's doing. I haven't seen her ever since the kiss incident because she wouldn't let me in her room after I knocked for about a million times. I'm quite nervous, acutally. What if she shuts the door in my face? What if she won't listen to me? What if she won't give me a second chance to make it up to her? To make this right?



It's been a week since I saw Luke and I miss him. I know I've only known him for, like, a day, but so many things could happen in a day. So many feelings could be felt in a day. He's made me feel nervous, happy, embarrassed, and sad within a short period of time. I'm not saying I'm in love with him, but I do like him.

I like Luke a lot, even though he could be a douche sometimes. I'm a sucker for second chances.

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