13 - questioning

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I unlocked the door and walked in, trying not to make a noise. I t was insanely dark in our house, even though it was almost six in the morning. I placed my hand out in front of me and started walking to the couch. I gently placed Austin on the couch, placing his head on the arm rest and covering the rest of his body with a blanket. I took a good look at him and moved the hair off of his forehead. What am I going to do with him once he wakes up? Was I going to keep him or give him to one of those adoption centers? Where did his d-

"Luke, what the actual fuck?"

I stumbled back at the sudden voice coming from the front of me. I tripped on a bowl of nachos and fell over our coffee table, and landed with a thud. I groaned it pain. "Shit." My head shot up at the sound of giggling. Ashton.

"Ashton?! Are you kidding me?" I whispered and yelled at the same time. My arms hurt from carrying Austin from the city to our house, and my head was throbbing from the lack of sleep. Now my back hurt because of Ashton. How fucking great.

"Why do you have a kid with you? Where did he - Wait, dont tell me," he said with wide eyes, clearly in shock from me bringing an unknown child into his presence. "Don't tell me you got a girl pregnant and kept this secret from us all this time. C'mon, bro, we could've helped you with buying the baby clothes! I love shopping for baby stuff," he giggled, jumping up and down while clapping his hands. He rushed over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He looked at Austin with loving eyes as he leaned his head against mine. "I can't believe I'm an uncle," he sighed, closing his eyes. "Wait, I am his uncle, right? I swear to God, Luke, if I'm not his uncle, I wi-"

"Ashton! First of all, shut up. Second of all, he is not my kid, and I did not get any girl, or anyone in that fact, pregnant. I found him in Central Park, alone, at 3 A.M. I couldn't leave him there on his own, so I brought him back with me. Be glad I'm doing the right thing for once," I sighed, placing my head in my hands. After a few seconds of silence, I looked back up at Ashton. To say the least, I wanted to hide my face again because his eyes were burning through mines.

"Uhh, so what should I d-" I couldn't finish my question because Ashton slapped the back of my head. Here we go. Daddy Ashton to the rescue.

"The right thing? Are you fucking with me right now, Luke?" He gritted through his teeth. "He probably has a family who's out there looking for him right now and we have him. What are we suppose to do with him by then?" He questioned, leaving me to think about a solution to solve my own mess.

"Uhm, I don't know. Maybe we can bring him to the police station later in the day so we can get the news out there that we have him in good hands, and then, we just wait for his family to show up and take him," I mumbled quietly.

"That's actually a good idea. I'm proud of you, Lucas," Ashton smiled as he slaped my back rather hard. "Uhh, thanks," I said softly. Well, that turned out better than I thought.

"So, what's his name? Did he give you any information about himself?" he questioned. "His name is Austin, and yes, he did, actually, but it's only one piece of information. He told me his dad's name, which is Marcus," I replied hesitantly. Ashton nodded. "Alright, I think we can work with that. I'm gonna go wash up for work. Can you handle him by yourself?"

"Yeah, I think I can. He's sort of like a little brother to me," I repled, smiling.

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