14 - here we go again

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I walked into the coffee shop and pulled out my wallet. It has been appoximately 2 days after my disaster with Travis and his new girlfriend. Fuck them. Coffee and myself will be my new love. I walked up to the cashier and smiled. Kimberly was here. "Hey," I smiled.

"Hey, Ally!" she exclaimed. I flinched. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said softly, looking down.

"It's okay," I smiled, "I'l have my usual please." "Al's usual coming right up," she yelled, while writing my name down. "Come talk to me when you're on your break, I have news to tell you," I said. Kimberly nodded.

I walked away from the counter and found a seat with two chairs next to the window facing the busy road of Manhattan. I sighed and looked at my hands on my lap. Honestly, I feel like I let out this huge breath I've been keeping in ever since I stuck the middle finger at Travis. There are many other fish in the sea, as they say. I just want to find the right one, but hey, I'm only 17. I have my whole life ahead of me and I'm still a teenager. I don't know anything about true love.

The door ringed as someone walked in. I looked up and saw the last person I wanted to see. With a kid. I looked away, trying to shield my face away with my hair. It was no use though, I was right by the door. "Alex?"

I looked up and tried my best to smile at him. My lips formed a smile for a second and then it disappeared.  "Hey," I sighed. He took a seat right across from me and brought the little kid up on his lap. "Oh, sorry. This is Austin. Austin, this is Alex," he said with hand gestures. I smiled at the little boy. His eyes looked surprisingly like mine. "Is this the Alex you talked about? She's pretty," he mumbled and looked down at his lap. My eyes widened.

"You talk about me?" I questioned with my eyes going wild. "Shit, Austin, I told you not to say that," he gritted through his teeth while looking at Austin. I couldn't stop the stupid smile forming on my lips. Luke looked back at me and smiled shyly. "I guess I have been talking about you, but only to the boys and this little guy right here," he said while smiling and ruffling up Austin's hair.

"Well tell me a little more about yourself, Austin," I smiled, giving him my full attention. "Alex!" Kimberly yelled. I looked up and saw Kim holding my drink. "Right after I get my drink," I laughed, getting up and walking to the counter.

"Dude, why is Luke Hemmings here? With a kid?" Kimberly asked while handing me my drink. I took a sip and sighed. I turned around to look at the two smiling and poking each other. "I don't know, actually. I have yet to find out. I'll just tell you about the news when you get back home tonight, alright?" I asked, looking at her. "Uhh, sure. I just finished my shift now, actually, but I-I'll just go shopping, I guess. On my own," she said quietly.

"I'm sorry, it's just, I haven't talked to Luke in a few weeks and I miss him. We'll go shopping tomorrow, if you like," I smiled. I had a long weekend, give me a fucking break.

"Yeah, okay," Kimberly said harshly while bumping into my shoulder, almost spilling my drink on me in the process. "Kimberly, what's your problem? I told you I'll go shopping with you tomorrow," I yelled. Why was she acting like this.

"It's not about shopping," she said calmly while walking backwards to the door. "It's about your promise about not ditching me for boys," she said and slammed the door behind her. We made that promise in middle school, how could she have remembered that? I shook my head and walked back to my seat. I noticed people were looking at us, even Luke and Austin.

"Uhh, anyways, so where are those facts about you?" I asked again, placing my head on my palm with my elbow on the table. I looked directly at Austin and I stiffled a laugh as he smiled.

"My name is Austin Wilson and I am 9 years old," he smiled and continued. "My daddy's name is Marcus and I have a step mom named Sophia. I am in 5th grade, and.. and," he mumbled, looking around. My eyes widened. Austin Wilson?

"So your dad happens to be Marcus Rue Wilson?" I asked with hesitation. "Yeah, that's my dad," he smiled. I gulped. Luke looked between me and Austin in confusion. "Is something wrong?"  Luke questioned. I hesitated before answering.

"That's my dad too," I whispered.

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