16 - the past

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I took a deep breath and braced myself for what was about to come. I parted my lips, but no words came out. I shut my eyes.

"Alex? You don't have to tell me if you don't want-" I cut Luke off. "I'll tell you. I-It's just that.. I haven't talked about my dad in a long time, or both of my parents for that matter," I sighed.

"Take all the time you need," Luke smiled. I returned the smile. He was so patient with me. This was a new side of him that I needed to see more often. I took another deep breath and forced myself to talk.

"Alright, well, I lost my mom when I was three," I began. The tears were already forming. I looked down to see Luke rubbing circles on the back of my hand. I sniffed. "I remember the night so clearly," I whispered, not being able to hold the tears in any longer.

"My dad left me months after my mom passed. I was put into a foster home and no one wanted to take me in during my childhood years. The foster home that I was put in was absolute shit. They fed us food that was never properly cooked. No one talked to me, not even the advisors there. I was completely ignored for 10 years of being in that damn foster home. When I was 13, Kimberly was put into the same foster home I was in. That was how I met her," I smiled.

"We did everything together, and when we hit 16, we ran away from there. We lived on the streets for a year, until this lady took us in. She was really nice to us, actually. She gave us proper care, better than the foster home could ever give us. She helped us find jobs so we could be able to pay for our own house. We finally got enough money to move into an apartment, but she wanted us to live in a house. A proper home. She helped pay for the house, and that's how we live there," I let out a huge breath I didn't know I was holding.

"What about your parents? How did your mom die? Why did your dad leave you?" He questioned. I flinched. "Sorry," he whispered. He reached over the table and wiped the tear that was sliding down my cheek.

I braced myself again. I didn't want to tell him, hell, I didn't want to tell anyone. I never wanted to remember that night, but Luke deserved to know.

"I never understood why my parents were put into that situation, I guess I was too young to know, but I will always remember that my mom died for my dad. She sacrificed her life for his. What can I say? They were in love," I whispered the last part.

"I remembered following the men, who took my parents, into a dark alley. They had my dad tied up in chains, and my mom being held by two men on either side of her. I was terrified. I was still a child, but I knew what a gun and gunshot was. I loved watching mystery shows when I was a kid. I guess I wasn't your normal three year old," I softly chuckled. "When I heard the gunshot, I knew someone I loved was gone. When I turned and saw my mom surround by her own blood, I understood why she did it."

My voice kept cracking in the process of telling him, but Luke watched me with careful eyes. I was probably like a fragile feather to him now, but that didn't stop me from telling him. My sadness suddenly turned into anger.

"She killed herself for my dad, and guess what? He left me 3 months after! My parents were wealthy, so my dad didn't have an excuse of not taking care of me. He didn't have an excuse for not raising me like he was supposed to and leaving me!" I cried. Luke's eyes widened and I caught everyone's attention, including Austin, but right now, I didn't really care.

"He left me and found some other woman to love just because my mom was gone. He had an affair with that woman and they had Austin! And seeing that you found him alone in the park means that he probably left Austin and his mom to find another woman! Is that how he works? Using women, having kids with them, and then suddenly leaving like they didn't mean anything to him?!" I screamed into Luke's face. He look terrified, but not for a second, did he let go of my shaking hands.

But when I heard Austin's cries, I knew that I had gone too far, and he had heard everything.

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