4 - bacon

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*The Next Morning*

Alex woke up to the sound of pans clattering and the smell of bacon filling her nostrils. A tiny smile appeared on her lips because she was a bacon lover. Her eyelids fluttered open and she jumped out of bed. She ran out the door, but came to a halt at the top of the stairs as she felt a cold breeze past by her legs.

"My pants, I forgot my pants!" Her eyes widended as she looked down at her bare legs. Her appetite suddenly disappearing.

Alex heard someone clear their throat and she looked up. She saw Kimberly having breakfast and Calum carrying a plate of bacon. Although, Kim had a smirk on her face and Calum nearly tripped and dropped the heavenly plate of bacons at the sight of her.

Alex blushed really hard from his actions.

"Sorry, I got distracted by the smell of bacon that I forgot to put some pants on," Alex chuckled nervously. It didn't help that her shirt stopped at the top of her underwear.

"No worries, babe. Why don't you come down here for some breakfast? You don't need to put any pants on. We're all friends here, right?" Calum smirked, eyeing her legs up and down.

"No friend would want to see their other friend bare on their bottom half. Only perverts do that," Kim rolled her eyes.

"Are you one?" Alex shrieked.

"Obviously, he is, Al!" Kim snapped.

"Woah, Woah, calm down ladies. I was just kidding," Calum lied.

"And lighten up a bit, Kim. Are you always this grumpy in the morning?" Calum added.

"I would be in a better mood if a complete douche wasn't in my house," Kim glared at the smirking boy sitting acorss from her.

"And who's the douche? All I see here are some lovely ladies and a gentleman," Calum winked.

The two kept bickering like an old married couple as Alex slowly walk backward towards her room, not wanting any of them to notice her disappearance.

Alex slammed the door and slid her back down against it.

"Shit," she muttered, shutting her eyes.


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