11 - carry me

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She has a boyfriend. Alex, the girl I couldn't stop thinking about for about two weeks, has a boyfriend. I still couldn't believe I hadn't seen it coming. Of course she had a boyfriend, Luke, she's beautiful, have you seen her?

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I've been doing that for the past two weeks now, and honestly, I'm getting tired of it. I was never this depressed in my life. Why was I getting depressed over a girl? Well, because you like her and she doesn't like you. Get your head in the game, Luke.

I kept walking furthur down the busy sidewalks of New York, dodging a few people, trying to search for the nearest coffee shop on my phone. Problem was, I didn't have the best service so I couldn't google anything. Great. I sighed yet again. I watched people hurrying in front of me, trying to get home since it was 2:30 in the morning. Something caught my eye across the street, which was Central Park. A little boy. He looked scared and lonely. He probably lost his parents. I had no idea what he was doing here at this time of day, but I was going to help him. I stood straight, and began walking across the street to the helpless little boy.

I silently approached him and crouched down to his level, and tapped his shoulder. I must say, he did look a little frighten because of a stranger being really close to him.

"Hey bud, are you here alone?" I asked softly, looking into his beautiful hazel eyes. They looked sort of like Alex's. I could hear my heart break.

"N-no, where's my daddy?" The little boy whispered, his eyes slowly filling with tears. My heart ached again. Who the hell leaves their kid in Central Park at 2 in the morning?

"I, honestly, I don't know, kid. Why don't we go find him, yeah?" I suggested with a soft smile. He nodded and wiped his tears away. I began walking, but stopped when I felt something tug on my hand. I looked down.

"Can you c-carry me? My name is Austin," he said. He was pretty smart for this age, but I wasn't going to carry him. I actually didn't like kids, I don't even know why I'm helping him in the first place.

"Uhm, I don't do carrying. Sorry, kid," I declined, shaking my head. My chest was suddenly hit with a pang of guilt when he started whimpering and droplets of tears fell down his face.

"Okay, okay. I'll carry you, just stop crying," I pleaded. He stopped crying immeadiately and he smiled. I rolled my eyes, but he looked pretty adorable, actually. I picked him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck and snuggled his head into my chest. I smiled, I guess he really needed a hug.

"My daddy's name is Marcus," he mumbled against my chest. I took that piece of information and gave it some use. I walked through the park shouting his name for about 2 hours. I sighed after my voice went hoarse. Austin was already fast asleep and with every step I took, he seemed to get heavier and heavier by the second. I sat on the bench and placed him beside me with his head on my lap and his legs stretched out along the seat. I took a good look at him. He kind of did remind me of Alex. His innocence and the way he talked softly to me.

It was almost 5 A.M. and we still hadn't found his dad. I wanted to go home, but I couldn't leave him here. Guess I have to bring him back home with me. I sighed and carried him in my arms. The boys would probably question me like there was no tomorrow, but at least I was doing a good thing. What was I getting myself into?



so if you guys don't remember, alex's dad's name is marcus

austin and alex both have the same eye color


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