Tracing over you (ImmortalAnex)

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Kevin laid quietly, curled into the side of Aleks. The other male was sound asleep, which Kevin is what should be doing to but sleep just seemed to evade him. The young male sighed as he opened his eye. The room around him was dimly lit, the only light being the little night lights they had so they wouldn't trip over one of the four pets they owned. Ollie and Duchess were curled up at the foot of the bed and Hox was most likely on Kevin's unused pillow. Kevin looked up and smiled at his love's sleeping face, he looked so peaceful. He let out another sigh as he let his head rest back on Aleks' shoulder. The teen debated closing his eyes again and hoping sleep would take him but something caught his eye, that something being his boyfriend's newest tattoo. Kevin had joked that he got a hawk on his chest because of him and Aleks only rolled his eyes and shoved him lightly.

He chuckled softly, trying not to wake the sleeping Russian as he slowly started to trace over the black lines. The Asian couldn't seem to help but trace over every line of the art work that littered Aleks' body and with the chest piece being new, he was pulled to it greatly. He carefully ran his finger over each delicate line, over the dips and curves of the other's chest. The time past by quickly and Kevin hadn't noticed he'd been running his fingers over the lines all that time. Nor did he notice that he was no longer the only one awake. "How long have you been up?" Aleks asked in a scratchy morning voice, his arm tightening around the teen. Kevin thought for a moment and looked at the clock on the bedside table. "Uh... 10 a.m.... yesterday." He said, knowing Aleks would scold him. "Kevin" The Russian whined out pulling him closer. "Babe i thought you went to bed when i did." "I tried to but i just couldn't fall asleep and then i got lost in tracing you tattoo." Kevin said as he looked up at Aleks. "Kevy you dork, how many hours are you going to lost in doing that?" Aleks asked with a chuckle. "How ever many hours there are in the rest of our lives." The teen said back with a cheesy smile. 

"Oh my god Kev, that was one of the cheesiest things you have ever said." The older of the two said as he kissed his lover's forehead. "It probably won't be the cheesiest thing i ever say." Kevin said with a laugh. "You're such a dork. Why do i love you?" Aleks asked as he shook his head. "Because of my good looks, charming smile and girlish figure." The teen said finishing the sentence in his "girl voice" while he wiggled his hip. "Oh my god, no. please no girl voice." Aleks said as he pushed Kevin away playfully. "Leksi~" Kevin whined out as he tried to pull back toward the other. "Why don't you like it~" He whined out in said voice. "Because it's weird and creepy." The Russian said with a laugh. Kevin just pouted at Aleks and tried to look as hurt as possible. "Fine, fine. You know i love you and everything you do." Aleks finally said pulling Kevin back into his chest. "Now you should try and get some sleep while i get more. And i'm not sleeping till you fall asleep this time." He said as he poked the teen's nose. "Ok. Will you sing to me?" Kevin asked as he stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. "Yes, i'll sing to you." Aleks said as he shook his head. The Russian quietly started to hum out Kevin's favorite song while petting at his hair in a soothing manner. Soon soft snores could be heard for the teen and Aleks smiled to himself before drifting back into sleep.


ey just a little short immortalanex. i was talking to like all my friends about Aleks new tat and my one friend brought up immortalanex so i wrote this for him~ so i hope you all like this. 

Also i'm trying to help out @JaedahWuest. For the next chapter of their story 'Gender Gun', they need help making up different cures for the guys and asked me if i could help and if you guys reading my stuff could too. So please feel free to first, check them out, they're hella nice and a good writer and second, leave any ideas! 

Well that's all from me so bye!


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